Chapter 2

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Laughter echoed around them. How? The Keres didn't have a clue; there were no walls and they were on the fucking docks .

However, the laws of physics–or whatever the hell caused echoes–didn't seem to apply to the Traffic Light of Gotham as he came swinging through the air on his grapple gun, laughing the whole time.

"Hate to break up the party, guys," he called out as he ploughed through three goons with his leg outstretched, "but we can't just have weapons floating around our wonderful city, can we?"

"It's a good job we weren't planning on staying, then, isn't it, Bird-Boy?" The daughter of Deathstroke called out to him as she lined up a knife to throw at his grapple lines.

A batarang flew past her, but this time she dodged, rolling out of the way and keeping her knife between her fingers until she proceeded to throw it straight at Batman's face.

She was just about to laugh victoriously at him when he caught it and looked at her blankly. "Really?" He asked. She'd done it before, of course, and gotten the same result, but it couldn't hurt to keep trying, right?

Hah, wrong .

As she shrugged at Gotham's Dark Knight, The Boy Wonder sent a hard kick to her back, sending her stumbling forwards. Loathe as she was to admit it, the boy was pretty strong.

Not as strong as her, though.

So, mentally thanking the American military for their weird-ass experiment on her dad, she turned and punched Robin square in the face, smiling proudly when she heard a loud CRACK! And ooh-ing in faux-sympathy when blood began to pour from his nose. "Whoops, sorry!" She laughed, but it didn't echo creepily like his had—how the hell did he do it?

"Ugh!" He grunted, getting back into a fighting pose and smirking when The Keres pulled out her katana from her back. "What, scared you can't win without your shiny toys?" He sent a punch flying her way, but she moved quickly to the left, effectively dodging it.

"Not falling for that one, Rob," she jabbed the blade towards his gut, trying to skewer him to shut him up, but he jumped back just in time. "Besides," she retorted, parrying a birdarang that he'd flung at her face, "I've never seen you fight without your fancy toys."

Robin threw a kick at her side, distracting the girl long enough for him to send a solid left hook to temple. As she reeled from the hit, he disappeared into the shadows with her blade, most likely trying to think of a proper plan.

The 'Rising Star of the Mercenary World' (as the Metropolitan reporter Lois Lane had dubbed her—what? Yes, she read The Daily Planet, Clark Kent and Lois Lane seemed to be the only decent reporters out there) groaned as she rubbed her temple, "Eurgh, you're a proper dickhead, you know that, Robin?"

She looked around her, noticing that the boy was no longer talking her ear off–meaning he had almost definitely buggered off to Batman, or...

The Keres heard him before she saw him; a whoosh of air cutting through the night.

Robin was flying towards her full fucking pelt on his grapple gun and about to knock her out cold.

Yeah, no—not this time, Birdie.

She dropped to the ground and rolled to a crouch by a faded red container, searching her many pockets for something useful. "Really?" She muttered to herself disappointedly as she pulled out a retractable staff from her pocket. Last night, she had made the stupid decision of finally catching up on her washing–which she had been avoiding for far too long–as an excuse to wash her black and orange suit, since it was in danger of being permanently stained scarlet by Bane's blood; of course, she had forgotten to properly restock all of her weaponry.

The girl peered out from the shadows to see Robin scanning the area for any sign of her presence, merely five feet away.

Come on, she thought desperately. She'd taken down Talia Al Ghul, for fuck's sake, and she was struggling with this? Two prats in tights with superiority complexes? Just a little closer...

Four feet.

Three feet.

Two feet.


Her bo staff extended perfectly, reaching The Boy Wonder's ankles and successfully tripping him and sending him to the ground–at least before he caught himself with his hands and looked up at her.

He was smiling.

Why was he smiling?

That was when she noticed it: silence. It was far too quiet. Her father should be sparring with Batman right now...

"Now, Batman!" He called out gleefully into the night.

From the abyss of darkness behind her, Batman leapt down and tackled The Keres to the ground, his weight outdoing her skill.

"You're coming with me, Wilson."

Word count: 817
Pretty short again, but the next few will be longer, I promise.
Also, this is my first time writing a fight scene (if it wasn't obvious enough💀) so any criticism is really appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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