Chapter 1

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The moon shone bright in the murky night sky, casting a pale glow on The Scion of Deathstroke, her dark gaze and trained ears focused on the docks below.

"Listen, Mask, we had a deal: two grand for three rifles; why am I only seeing two?" Her father snarled through his dual-coloured mask, his fingers twitching around his holstered pistol.

He had been haggling with Black Mask for about a week at this point, trying to get his daughter the three rifles she'd been wanting as a reward for taking down Talia Al Ghul in their last confrontation. It was meant to be a surprise, but when she'd heard Slade arguing with him on the phone about it, the jig was up and she'd asked to come and help–any excuse to beat up Roman Sionis since he underestimated her abilities in their first meeting. In all fairness to him, she had been six, but still, it was rude and the man got on her nerves.

"C'mon, man, I'm sure we can work something out– I mean, I could get the other to you next week! Batman's been staking out my other warehouse for weeks and you don't want the bastard on your tail, Deathstroke, trust me, I–"

"Keres!" The man interrupted the dealer's pathetic blubbering and called out to the shadow that was perched nearby on a brightly-coloured shipping container.

She flipped down from her hiding spot and landed before Mask's herd of goons, hands up in mock-surrender when they raised their weapons. "Come on, lads, that's no way to greet a lady–I'm just here to collect my rifle; that's all."

They all turned their heads towards their master to figure out their next move. (It was pathetic, really, did they not have minds of their own? Why did they work for that dipshit?) Roman tilted his own to look at the source of the new–yet sadly familiar–voice, from where Deathstroke had him pinned against a container, his eyes widening when they landed on her. "Weapons down, boys, she's an old friend. How you doin' Keres? Heard you took down an Al Ghul. Didn't think you had it in-"

"Enough." Her father said through gritted teeth, his forearm digging further into Sionis' throat, causing the man to choke slightly.


It'd be even better if he snapped his neck, she thought. But this is good too, I guess.

"Where's my gun, Mask?" She asked, venom and boredom lacing every word. When would her dad give in and let her beat him into the concrete?

"In a warehouse on the South side, kid; didn't want to get thrown in Arkham so here we are," he gestured vaguely with his right hand to the ongoing scene. "My sincerest apologies."

"Enough of this shit," The Keres muttered, storming up to the pathetic piece of shit before her. "Here's what's gonna happen, Sionis: you're either gonna send one of your goons to fetch it for me, or I'm going to snap your fucking neck and enjoy it."

She reached towards her thigh to grab a knife from her holster, only to have it knocked out of her hand.

By a batarang.

Well this night just got interesting.

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