Chapter 8 Rebuilding, Relearning and Moving

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Sunny and I were shifting through what remined of Sunny's lighthouse we had found a few notes but all most everything else was gone "I think that's it" I said throwing a small  piece of rubble aside 
"Well I didn't think we'd find much anyway"  said Sunny Sunny was now living with me until she got a new place to live even though I said she could stay for along as she wanted "You know some of the base of the lighthouse survived and some support beams we got everypony together we could probably rebuild it"  Sunny said looking around her eyes then lit up "That's it!" she said excitedly "What is?" I asked "We aren't just going to rebuild it we're going to make it better and with the help of our friends well turn this into a Brighthouse I looked her here Okay I'll start a diagram  you get our friends so everypony can have there say it what it will look like will get to work in a few days" I said Sunny nodded and ran off
                                                                          (A Few Days Later) 
After a few days of work the Brighthouse was well under way the outside was done and the unity Crystals down dawn at the top of the Brighthouse shoot out and rainbow coloured light we call Prism-beam power and few rooms and some decoration was all that was needed now  All of our friends gather around as I show them a model of what we had all come up with "Welcome to the home of our dreams!" said Sunny a crab then came over and destroyed the model "Hitch" I said Hitch gave a nervous laugh then whispered to the crab "Cool it, McSnipsalot" he said "Forget the model. We're going to make the real Crystal Brighthouse perfect!" said Sunny "Then we can spend every minute of every day together for the rest of our lives!" said Izzy "That's the idea" I said Zipp gave a nervous laugh then said "What?" "It's going to be" began Pipp she then held the last word like she was singing "Iiiicooooniiiic-kuh!" she finished  "And I'm gonna teach this little fella how to build a shelf! You know, I'm actually pretty hoovesy" said Hitch while spinning a wrench which then flew from his hoof and destroyed the last bit of the model "Ooh, whoops" "If you say so" I said Sunny walked over to a box of supplies "Here's a lot to get done, but we can do anything if we work together. Now, I think if we just" started Sunny but everypony just ignored her grabbed a few this and ran into what was going to be our new house "Enthusiasm! I like it!" said Sunny with a giggle " Wait up, roomies!" "This can't go well" I said 
Everypony was running around doing there own thing then Pipp whipped out her phone and started a livestream "Hello, Pippsqueaks! And welcome to the ultimate D.I.Y. home makeoveeeer!" she said Zipp and Izzy start to paint some of the walls "Hey, this is looking great!" said Izzy "Keep going smooth please" I said quietly to myself Sunny started to sweep then floor while everypony else continued to decorate the room a bird flew in through an open window and then slammed into one of the walls the Zipp had painted but the got stuck Zipp the turned the can around and saw in was glue the paint in question was splatted on random wall and the floor this got more and more out of control "Guy's maybe take it down a notch" I said Nopony heard me "You have got to be kidding them" I sighed Izzy splashed more paint on the walls and Hitch along with McSnipsalot" nails shelfs to the walls "Uh, ponies? I think we're losing focus here!" said Sunny Pipp the hung up some portraits of herself she called fan art Izzy was moving and levitating multiple things at once "Multitasking!" she said Pipp started putting wallpaper of her cutie mark on the walls "Design hack! Picture wall!" she said Zipp somehow got trapped with the wall  paper covering her vision "Help!" she said Pipp tried to move a huge chair up to the second level "How much further" she said Zipp was no trapped in some Christmases light that hung from the ceiling "My ice sculpture's melting!" said Pipp "Where do you get?" I asked Izzy kept throwing glitter around the room "Can someone get me down?" asked Zipp I couldn't take this chaos so a sneak into the backroom to clam myself down "Ponies!" yelled Sunny but everyone was to desecrated to listen a object hit the photo of Sunny and her dad knocking it off "No!" cried Sunny she dived for it and manged to catch it and then ran to the back room where the elevator that led up to the Top of the Brighthouse was she then saw me taking a few deep breaths "Pretty chaotic isn't it?" I said Sunny sighed "I don't understand. I thought working together would be easy, but it turns out it's super messy" she said I walked over to her and gave her a hug "Friends never work together perfectly all the time maybe this is one of those times" I said Sunny then looked at the photo of her father "I wish he was here he always knew how to bring out the best in me. And right now, I really need my best" she said "Maybe we should bring out our best" I said then a lightbulb went off in Sunny's head "Wait. Maybe that's what my friends need me to do – to bring them together to bring out their best!" said Sunny she then kissed me on the cheek "Thanks, Xavier" she said 
"Okay, everypony! Just stop!" Sunny yelled walking back to the room everypony froze "Look, I love how much energy you're bringing to this. But this is supposed to bring us together, not pull us apart. And right now..." started Sunny pointing all around "It's a mess" said Zipp "Yeah, I-I-I didn't want to say anything" said Izzy "I'm in way over my head!" admitted Hitch "This is a total makeover fail!" cried Pipp "It's not a fail. It's a... work-in-progress. Come on, everypony. We can do this... together!" I said 
                                                                                       (A Few Hours)

We had spent the rest of the day doing thigs together we had done our rooms up got the random patch of paint cleaned up and everything had come together Pipp took out her phone and called us in for a group shoot "Say "besties"!" she said and took the pick we were finally done "It's even better than I imagined" Sunny "You were right we can do anything when we work together" I said to her she blushed 

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