Chapter 6 All Roads Led To Bridlewood

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(Canterlogic Factory)

The sound of welding and veriest tool clucked around the Factory's floor a raspy Darth Vader like breathing was hear but it turn out just to be sprout drinking a smoothie he now and a green collar with gold badges on it "Ahhh! Why aren't you finished yet?" he said to one of the worker ponies "W-We're working as fast as we can, but we've run out of rivets" said Toots "Rivet-ing story just make it work, okay?!" he said Phyllis then came over to talk to him "Sugarcube, I know your little top-secret project is important and all, but when do you think my workers can get back to making Canterlogic products?" she said a pony named Glitter Cupcake tripped over and landed at Sprout feet "Back to work, Glitter Cupcake!" he yelled "It is my factory, after all, dear" continued Phyllis "But it's my town, Mommy! Your son's now emperor of Maretime Bay!" said Sprout "Emperor?! But yesterday you were only the sheriff" said Phyllis "Well, see how fast I'm climbing the ranks? This defence factory is going on offense, and it's all thanks to your love and encouragement. Breaks over, Bubblegum McGinty!" he said "Oh, dear. Somepony's getting a big head" said Phyllis a welding torch sparked revealing the outline of a huge machine behind some curtains

(Daisy Fields)

"That's the tree from the map. That means... it's this way" said Sunny see the one tree that was in this massive field of flowers "What am I even doing here? Hoofing it across daisy fields, looking for a magical crystal that doesn't even exist!" said Hitch trailing behind everypony with Pipp "It was supposed to be my best show ever. And now it's all over. I'm a criminal! And it's all because of..." began Pipp "them!" they said together "And that is so not cool" said Pipp "No, it is not. Did I just agree with a Pegasus?" said Hitch Pipp walked up to Zipp "Hey! Are you sure she even knows where to find this other crystal?" she asked "Don't you trust me at all?" said Zipp "I don't know. You are the one that just got Mom thrown in jail!" she said "Look, once we get our magic back, the whole kingdom will be so excited, they won't even remember what happened back there. You'll be a hero, Pipp" said Zipp Hitch came up to me and Sunny "Let's get one thing straight" said Hitch "We're almost to the river, everypony!" said Sunny I could tell with the happiness in Sunny voice she had wanted to use the term everypony to include Unicorns and Pegasus from so long "After this whole escapade is over with, you and Xavier are gonna march back home to Maretime Bay with me. Is that clear?" said Hitch to Sunny the whole time Sunny had a smug look on her face "Crystal" she said "Great. Because this badge means that I'm the she No, no, no, no, no! Where's my badge?!" said Hitch seeing his badge had gone missing he turned back to Izzy "Hey! You!" he said "Hmm?" questioned Izzy "I know unicorns like shiny things!" said Hitch "Oh, you know, I think I did see a shiny badge-y thing on the ground a few hours ago" explained Izzy "What?! Hours?!" yelled Hitch "Well, maybe it's for the best. Between you and me, buddy, "she then said in a hushed voice "That badge was creating an unhealthy power dynamic" she then bounced off without a care in the world we came to the river but to was a deep gorge and the bridge was broken "What are we gonna do?" said Sunny "Any ideas, Zipp?" said Pipp smug "You know what would be great right now? Let me think. Maybe something like... THE ABILITY TO FLY!" she yelled back at her "You know what would be even better? Not being stuck in the middle of nowhere as OUTCASTS FROM OUR OWN KINGDOM!" said Pipp they continued to bicker with each other "Oh, well. That's the end of that time to go home. I wish I could say it was nice meeting all of you, but it wasn't. Come on, Sunny" said Hitch Izzy walked over to a dead tree and point it out to me I hit the tree with my hoof drilling a hole through it "To dangerous" I said to her "Everypony, stop! We're gonna get to the other side, find the crystal, and bring back magic! And once we do, you'll get to fly, you'll get your fans back, and you'll have me in custody! Everypony happy now?!" said Sunny "I have an Idea" I said "What is it?" said Sunny "This" I grabbed everypony and myself in my magic and levitated us over the gorge "Ta-daaaaa!" I said "All right!" said Zipp "Ah, great" groaned Hitch "Come on, everypony!" said Sunny we decided to make camp near a rocky outcropping for the night "It was so cool how you levitated us over the gorge" said Pipp "I know right" said Izzy "Can you do something else with your magic?" asked Pipp "Okay" I forced on the sticks in front of us my magic engulf them then lit them on fire we had yourself a campfire "Again so cool" said Pipp "Is the how you save me?" she asked "Yes but I teleported you but I have to be careful I don't know how weak my magic is now this was the first time in years I'd been able to teleport somepony " I said "Um quick question can you read minds with your magic or fry brains with a horn zap?" Asked Sunny "Never actually tried and I've never heard of a mind reading spell and while we can zap ponies with are horns we've never fried somepony's brain" I answered "You said you could only levitate stuff and grab things with your magic how are you doing all this now? asked Izzy "I don't know it's just see all of us together being friends it feels like my magic grew stronger and I'm remembering something's that's all" I said we looked over at Hitch who had his own pile of sticks trying to light them "Come on, stupid stick"" growled Hitch "You need some backup, sheriff?" I said smug "No! Thank you. I've got it. Come on... If only I had a match..." he said a small spark lit the stick "Hah!" but it fizzled and died straight away "Oh, well, that was sad to watch. Come on, don't be a hero, dude. Come get warm" said Zipp Sunny walked over to him "Are you sure about all this? Because if we just go back to Maretime Bay..." said Hitch "What have we got to lose?" asked Sunny "By giving magic back to our enemies? Uh, let me think. I know – a lot!" said Hitch "Come on. Do they look like enemies to you?" asked Sunny they looked back at us "My sparkle is aquamarine?" Pipp said to Izzy happily "That's, like, my sixth favourite colour!" she said Zipp just rolled her eyes and I smiled "I don't know. Maybe I should just go back to Maretime Bay where I'm needed" said Hitch "If that's what you want. But you should know I'm actually glad you're here, Hitch. We all are" said Sunny she walked back to the campsite motioned with her head to Hitch to join us a defeated Hitch groaned and came over to the fire "So I think we should set off at first light. Last stop – Birdlewood" said Sunny I saw Izzy with a sad look "What's wrong, Izzy?" I asked "It's just that... being with you ponies has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. I guess... I just don't want our adventure to end" she said "But, Izzy, you'll get your magic" said Sunny Izzy smiled "Can I ask you a question? Why did you come to Maretime Bay that goes for you to Xavier being an Alicorn and stuff?" asked Hitch "You go first Izzy" I said "I always wanted to visit. When I was a filly, I found this pretty lantern. It had a message inside. It said I had friends in Maretime Bay" said Izzy "That's strange because I saw the same lantern I readied the message and let the lantern go again" I said we saw Sunny gasping at the letter "It... It was you!" Izzy and I said "I made it with my dad. We always promised each other that someday we would prove that all ponies were meant to be friends. We'll do our part. Hoof to heart" she said holding the letter to her chest Izzy and Pipp then touch hooves together Zipp and I smiled at each other "Hey, um... I want to do my part" said Hitch and happy smile formed on Sunny's face "What have we got to lose, right?" said Hitch "I've got to admit a Unicorn forest does sound kind of magical" He said

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