Chapter 2: New Candidate

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Three figures huddled around a small table, muttering and yelling and each other. They were in a stone room that wasn't heavily furnished. One was an a wolf in blue leather biker clothes, another was a huge red troll dressed like a caveman, and one was an old lady wearing a green cloak.

As you've probably guessed, these are the Bad End Commanders.

They were playing cards. They must've been at it for about 2 hours now, and none of them were close to winning. Yet, none of them were willing to back down. After all, they were deciding who was going to go down to Earth and collect Bad Energy. Not a single one of hem would admit it, but they were also hoping to run into the Precure. Just to wipe those sickening smiles of their faces.

"Give up, you two," Wolfrun growled. "Clearly I'm the suitable candidate."

"You always get to go down~oni!" Akaoni shot back. "It's my turn."

"He's right ~da wasa. You always get to go ~da wasa," Majorina countered. "But it's my turn, not his ~da wasa!"

They growled at each other, locking their gazes onto their cards again. They'd ripped the two joker cards in the deck, as they were not willing to let Joker come in and start mindlessly squabbling at them. Somehow, though, there was another, because Majorina had just picked up a card from the deck. It was a joker.

"Is there no limit to that nuisance?" Wolfrun hissed as a whirlwind of cards entered the room. They all dissolved, revealing none other than Joker.

"Have you decided which one of you will go down first? Clearly not! We've lost the element of surprise now," Joker cackled, his childish laughter echoing. "The incompetent fairy has already warned the Precure!"

The Bad End Commanders scowled as Joker materialized before them. "What are you doing here ~oni?" Akaoni demanded.

Joker chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, just checking up on my favorite underlings," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It seems you're having a bit of trouble deciding who gets to go down to Earth and collect Bad Energy."

The Bad End Commanders glared at Joker, but none of them said anything. They knew better than to challenge him- after all, he could quite easily turn them back into fairies.

"Well, I have a proposition for you," Joker said, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Why don't you all take a little break? We do have a new willing candidate amongst us!"

Majorina glared at Joker. "Who ~da wasa? Who's better than us~ da wasa?" She demanded.

"Oh dear, have you forgotten? You became acquainted yesterday!" Joker sighed dramatically, before flipping over onto the table. "Speak of the devil!"

As soon as he entered, the three commanders recognized him. It was the short gnome figure they'd seen. He wore a dirty yellow vest and pointy hat and ripped gray pants. He had a permanent scowl on his face. His dark, beady eyes were filled with malice. There was a small wooden sword at his side.

"This is Grimgrok," Joker giggled. "He's-"

"I can introduce myself, you know," Grimgrok cut off. Joker's grin wavered slightly, but reasserted itself quickly. "I'm the one who's gonna get the Bad Energy from Earth this time, 'cause you always manage to mess up somehow. End of story."

"Any objections?" Joker asked, his eyes scanning the room.

Wolfrun stood up and scowled at Grimgrok. "Yeah, actually. How come you're letting this amateur steal our job?" he growled. "I think you should let one of us professionals do it? Like.. me?"

"But it seems our professionals lack any actual expertise, hm?" Joker taunted. "I think we should give our new blood here to prove himself before thinking of ourselves so highly."

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