Flaming Affairs

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(Sapnap POV)

I had to find a phone, somehow. 

Luckily, thanks to Skeppy, I had mastered the art of stealing things right under people's noses. There was a tired old businessman on the train next to me, with his phone attached to his belt. Perfect. The guy probably had multiple phones anyways. He wouldn't miss this one...

With a simple sleight-of-hand maneuver as the train lurched again, I managed to loosen the phone from the belt attachment, and slip it right into my pocket, all without the man noticing. I got off at the next stop, ducked into a bathroom stall, and opened a portal back to Hell, quickly closing it behind me. 

I appeared back in my room. I wasn't that skilled with using phones, as we didn't have any in Hell, but I still knew enough from my experiences with some of the newer humans we've gotten down here. 

I went to the settings and pressed "Factory Reset". After a few minutes, the phone had fully reset itself. I had managed to get myself a fully functional iPhone X. I guessed I'd have to swipe a charger for it too at some point. We had electricity in Hell, fueled by the neverending heat of the lava pockets, so at least I had that. 

I pulled Karl's napkin out of my nightstand's drawer, made his number into a new contact, and sent him a text. Just a simple 'Hello' for now. But that was all I needed, right?

Almost immediately, I saw a thought bubble appear at the bottom of the screen, signaling that Karl was typing. 


>hello, is this Nick?




>hiii! great to hear from you!


>same. wanna go out to dinner sometime?


>omg i'd love to!! i know a nice place downtown


>sounds amazing

I chatted with Karl for a bit, as we talked about scheduling and the restaurant. I pretended I had an audition schedule to sound like I didn't live in Hell, and we decided on a date in two days. 

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in!" I shouted. 

My father opened the door, "Hey Sappy! Ooh, I see you got yourself a phone?"

"Yeah, stole it from some old business guy on the subway."

"Nice one. Why do you need a phone?"

"Using it to talk to Karl."

"Oh, that human you're torturing?"

I nodded. 

"Ah. Anyways, I have some...important news to tell you," Bad closed the bedroom door behind him and sat on the end of my bed. I sat up. 

"As you know, I've had a little...let's say 'rivalry', with Sam," Bad started. 

"'Little'? You guys started an entire war!" Sam, a creeper hybrid and Greater Demon, had had a falling out with Bad around 500 years ago, leading to a huge division and hostility between the Lesser Demons that worked for them. It took the force of the Supreme Monarch, Drista, just to get them to agree to not attack each other on sight. 

"Ehehe, well, we've come to an agreement! You remember Sam's daughter Hannax, right?"

"Yeah?" She was nice. Had a strange affinity with roses, though they don't grow in Hell. 

"Well, Sam agreed to let everything go, if..." Bad hesitated. 

"If what?" I prompted. 

"If you marry Hannax."

I was stunned. "An arranged marriage? No, no, I won't! You have to solve this yourself. I am NOT marrying Hannax." I was getting angry now. 

"Sapnap, you have no choice. If I go back to Sam and tell him to cancel the wedding, it could spell disaster for us."

"Wait, you already agreed to this? Before you told me?" I asked, trying my best to keep my anger level. 

"I...I just...Sapnap, please..." Bad sputtered, cowering. I stood up, smoke rising from me as I fumed. Then suddenly...

The dam broke. 

I screamed, so loudly that Bad had to cover his ears. My hair lit on fire and burned high, hot and bright. "GET OUT!" I yelled at Bad, who ran out the door and away from my room. I slowly walked outside of my room, my shirt having burned to a crisp in the inferno my anger was causing. I was thankful for my fireproof shorts.

Dream saw me and approached cautiously. "Sap, are you okay?"

I stared at him, "No, I'm not okay! Bad just told me he set me up in an arranged marriage! I'm going to be sold off like some prized lamb, just so he and Sam can make up from their stupid war!"

Dream touched my shoulder. I immediately calmed down a bit, as shown by the height of my hair flames decreasing. I took a deep breath and let Dream guide me back into my room. My hair settled down even more after I sat down, Dream rubbing my back. Once it was reduced to some lingering wisps of smoke, I started talking. 

"I just can't handle this. I don't want to marry Hannax. She's a nice girl but...I don't want to marry her! Especially not for a stupid political alliance."

"Jeez, I'm sorry man. I wish there was something I could do to help," Dream said, "What other choice do you have?"

"According to Bad, none. If we don't do this, Sam is gonna start another war."

"Wow. Have you heard anything from Hannax herself? Maybe she's just as pissed as you are."

"I haven't. But knowing her, she'd be thrilled. I mean who can blame her, I'm gorgeous, but she'd probably love to have a big ol' ceremony all about her."

"Well, it couldn't hurt to talk to her. Also, if you don't find a way out of this, you might as well get to know your future wife a bit better," Dream reasoned. 

"Yeah. Honestly, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to get out of this. I'm gonna be married off, and peace and happiness will be restored to everyone but me. I'm gonna be bossed around by Hannax for the rest of eternity. My life will be ruined," I pouted, falling over onto my bed. 

Dream noticed Karl's folder on my nightstand, as well as the stolen phone. "Who's this?" he asked. 

I sighed, "There's no point in lying to you, Dream. I like that human. Bad would never approve in a million years, but I like him. I have a date with him in two days."

"Wow, Sap, I'm happy for you! I'm glad you found someone."

I had braced myself for the backlash, but it never came. "You mean it? You're not gonna tease me over it?"

"Oh I'm gonna tease you over it, but deep down I support you, man! I want you to be happy, and if this human is making you happy, then you should go for it."

"Thanks, Dream," I said, standing up and pulling him into a hug. 

Demons can't cry, but I certainly would be if I could. 

Hi! I have a very complicated story to share, but hopefully it's all being conveyed well. Let me know if it isn't lol. 

Also, Sapnap is bi in this fic. And I don't really know Hannah that well so forgive me if I don't characterize her that well! Suggestions will be appreciated!

Word count: 1178

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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Burning Love | Sapnap x Karl Jacobs (Demon AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ