Fiery Files

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(Sapnap POV)

As soon as Karl left and I got back into Hell, I rushed over to the corporate sector, to the Living Information room. Unfortunately, I didn't have clearance to look at any of the files. I had to find Karl's schedule. I had to see him again. I don't know what it is about him, but I was intrigued. 

I didn't have to wait for long, because my father, a Greater Demon named Badboyhalo, came into the room. 

"Sappy! What brings you here?" he said cheerfully. Bad was always happy to see me, and because of that I was always happy to see him. 

"I was wondering if I could look at a human's file," I admitted. 

"Ooh! Are you thinking of torturing someone?"

"Y-yes. Emotionally," I lied. I didn't want to admit to Bad that I had a crush on a gosh darn human that I just met. I know how he feels about humans. 

"Oh, I'm so proud of you, Sappy! Of course I can get the file for you! What's the human's name?" Bad was immediately enthusiastic about me choosing a human to torture. It meant we would drag yet another soul down into Hell for an eternity of even more torture. That is what demons do, after all. 

"Karl Jacobs. He lives in New York City,"

"Ooh, a city boy! Nice choice. Those ones have lots to be depressed about," Bad said while looking in the rows and rows of filing cabinets, "Ah! Here we are!" Bad pulled out a folder with Karl's name and photo on it. 

"Yup, that's the one," I confirmed, seeing Karl's cute face. 

"Great! Good luck with the torturing! I'm so excited; I've gotta tell Skeppy!" Bad said, quickly running out of the room. 

I took the folder with me to my room in Bad's mansion in the Demon Residence sector, specifically the Greater District. As Bad's son, I had a good position in Hell. Bad held a lot of power as a Greater Demon, meaning I can get away with a lot of stuff. I was even given a keychain that opens a portal to Earth. I usually use it to pull pranks on humans, but now I'll probably be using it mostly to see Karl. 

Bad was always encouraging me to torture humans. He hated them. The incident happened over 700 years ago, but that time is nothing for a demon. Bad got the hots for a human woman, things happened, and now I exist: a half-demon. There aren't too many others like me in Hell, and for good reason. Bad hated himself for allowing himself to care about a human, whom he was meant to torture without care. He loved me, as his son, but since I was born Bad has gotten even more harsh with the humans he tortures himself. Greater Demons have more responsibilities with keeping the Lesser Demons in line than actually torturing humans directly, but most, like Bad, still do it for fun on occasion. I've even tortured before, with my best friend, another Greater Demon named Dream.

He eventually got over himself once he met Skeppy, a rare diamond golem. Skeppy is essentially my step-dad at this point. He's where I got my mischievous side from. 

Well, that's enough about me. I flipped through Karl's folder. He led a normal life, with an average childhood and now working an average job at an average company. Completely unremarkable to an outsider. 

But not unremarkable to me. I could spend hours looking at his face. 

To see him again, though, I'd need to do some planning. I memorized Karl's schedule, and I knew precisely where he'd be tomorrow night. That'll be where I strike

...up a conversation with him. 

Geez, what would Bad do to me if he found out?

(Karl POV)

It's been a day, and Nick still hasn't texted me back yet. 

I was getting worried. I had put so much faith in him, that he'd be someone I could have something with. But it might just be another person that has my number out of pity and never actually wants to talk to me again. I should probably just accept that now so I can move on more quickly. 

Work was average. The only interesting thing that happened was when I got a call from my cousin Chandler, who invited me to his wedding next month. Great, now I'd need to find a date. 

I started walking towards the subway, waiting for the 5:30 Southbound train to pull up to the station. It was very crowded, as it usually is during this time. 

I walked onto one of the train cars. I tried to find a handhold, but all the poles and hanging straps were taken. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face on the other side of the train car. Was that Nick?

I squeezed past the other passengers towards him. "Nick?" I called, "Is that you?"

He turned his head, "Karl?"

I weaved in between the crowd to get to Nick's side. "I'm so happy to see you again! I was getting worried that I haven't gotten a text from you yet."

Nick's face became red, "I, uh, wanted to text you, I really did, I just...couldn't think of anything to say."

I smiled, "Just say hello."

"Yeah, I guess it is that simple," Nick smiled back, "I promise I will actually text you when I get home."

"I'll hold you to that!" I teased. 

Suddenly, I was jolted forwards as the train started moving. Propelling me directly into Nick. 

"Whoops, don't fall Karl," Nick said, still supporting me with his arm. 

I regained my balance, "Thanks, haha."

"Maybe you should hold onto me for now. It's not safe to ride the subway just standing like that."

"Y-yeah. T-thanks," I said, my face getting red as I held onto Nick's free arm with both of mine. 

"My pleasure." 

The rest of the ride went smoothly, and Nick's little plan did work; I didn't lose my balance again when the train stopped and started. One final time, the train came to a stop, and I reluctantly let go of Nick's arm. 

"This is my stop," I said, trying not to sound sad. 

"Alright. Have a nice walk home," Nick said, waving. 

"You too," I replied, waving back as I stepped onto the platform. I watched people board the train car, making eye contact with Nick through the window between them. Eventually, the car rolled away, and we waved for the final time tonight. 

I was ecstatic that I had run into Nick again. And boy, it was nice to be in contact with him for so long. Something about it was just, so naturally comforting. I was on cloud nine walking through the busy streets and into the elevator to lift me up to my apartment on the fourth floor. As soon as I closed my door, I twirled in a circle before collapsing onto my bed, a huge grin plastered on my face. 

Just as I thought the night couldn't get any better, my phone made a ding. I picked it up and read the notification:

Unknown number


I knew right away, exactly who it was. 

Hope everything with Hell was explained properly. Bottom line: Sapnap is a half-demon, with Bad as his father and a human mother. He gets lots of privileges from Bad being a Greater Demon (demons with high status in Hell). Also he has a keychain that can freely open portals between Hell and Earth. 

That's all for now. Have a great day/night!

Word count: 1258

Burning Love | Sapnap x Karl Jacobs (Demon AU)Where stories live. Discover now