chapter 2 alpha and jade

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Jades (p.o.v)

Waking up at 5 in the morning was a regular thing for me I went to my shower turning on the hot water feeling it smoothly over my body as my mind wonders .after about a few minutes I get out wrapping a towel around going to my closet since my my moods change everyday I chose the outfit a cording to my mood.

today I feeling superingly calm I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans with with white t shirt saying'suicide squad on it.after that I put on my boots then pull my hair up in a messy bun and my glasses that I nearly wear any more then I grab my bag heading down stairs.

Will (p.o.v)

"Good morning sis how are you doing" says will washing dishes before sitting down the dishtowel as I turn to my sister who walks into the kitchen."I'm alright and I gotta get going see ya later" says jade grabbing a water bottle and an apple and walks to school while listening to her music.

I watch her walk out that door I shake off this feeling something bad is going to happen I can feel it before going back to washing the dishes.

Jades (p.o.v)

I'm at my locker putting everything in it and grabbing my text books for my first 2 classes until I hear a certain bitch giggling I just ignore it and kept walking until I was shoved on the ground hard with a thud.

"Well look at who've we got here its the loser who that she look god for ounce what a dumb ass" says Kim laughing with her minions as they high five each other.

I start to growl to remain control looking at the ground trying not to lose control as my hands close into fist as I slowly start to get back up."Jade just take deep breaths you have to remain control " star says threw mind link feeling her control lessening through there wolf bond.

"Your pearnts should have never had you I mean look at you your pearnts probably died cause they couldn't stand haveing a daughter like you" says Kim with a smirk thinking she won oh boy how wrong she was.

I started getting tence as something with in me snap star kept trying to calm me down but it was to late the hall lights started flickering my eyes were glowing full on blue. clutching my fist all the lockers started shaking I growl loud enough for anyone before I knew it I had her by the neck chokeing her.

"What....the....hell" says Kim trying to breath as she trys to pry my hand away but I'm to strong as I continue to hold her by the neck against the locker as my body is filled with so much anger.

"Never.say.that.again" says jade growling righting her grip slamming Kim against the locker making her cough up blood as she falls to the ground looking up at me as she shakes with fear as I tower of her.

"SIS!!!" Shouts will running to me with worry clear in his eyes.

Wills (p.o.v)

I ran to my sister its happening again just like last time I can't let that happen I grab her around the waist pulling her bad making her drop Kim fully as jade thrashed around in his arms.

"Sis you need to calm down before you fully lose control" says will trying to hold me back with all his might he might be strong but I am stronger when I get like this.

"Let me go" screams jade as tears ran down her face she rips my arms away from her and runs out of the school I shout her name calling for her.

Jade (p.o.v)

I ran out of the school then shifted running into the forest felling pain,saddens and anger I just kept on running as a deep growl comes from with in me.

"Jade stop listen to me you need to calm down I know what she did is wrong be you need to regain control jade please " says star in my mind pleading

I was running until a rouge came out of know were jumping in my way I growl loud enough to here and we both clashes thunder starting roar as lightning went crazy I mange to claw his back deeply until he bites my neck slamming me into the ground I get back up my neck bleeding I charge back at him causeing us to roll around I grab a hold of his neck with my teeth throwing him against the tree ignoring my pain he gets back up but he doesn't go my neck he clamps his fangs into my back and stomach causeing me to howl in pain I turn my head grabbing his neck with my fangs slamming his to the ground holding him down with my paws and ripping his head off.the storm starts to die down I slowly change back into my human form my shirt was half ripped so were my jeans I fall to me nees breathing have black pots start to form next thing I know I'm falling over to my side as darkness starts to cusm me as I hear star shouting my name

Will (p.o.v)

Shit I need to find my sister I run to were my friends are asking them for help they nodded and we all ran outside shifting I see the storm ahead this can't be good I hear a howl of pain it was my sister I ran a little bit until I heard her inner wolf star in my head

"Yall hurry its bad please hurry" says star to us threw mind link

"Don't worry were on her way" me and my inner wolf Ryan tell her

After that re ran faster to the smell of blood when we got there what I saw broke my heart seeing my sister on the ground loading a lot of blood I whimper and run to her changing back into my human form as do the others

"Sis please wake up don't leave me" says will tears start spilling out of his eyes taking his extra shirt in his back to put pressure on her gushing would I check for a puls it was faint I look to my friends 

"We need to get her back to our pack house to the hospital " said the beta his name was jack 

"Will I'll Carrie her on your back and you run as fast as you can to my pack house " says alpha dean as he picks my sister up bridal style gently .I shift back into my werewolf form I crunch down so they could get on then I ran like hell to the pack house

Deans (p.o.v)

Holding her as we make our way to our pack house I inhale a scent it smelt like roses and mango I look down out her realizeing she's my mate I will do everything I can to protect her 

We made it back to the pack house I run in to hospital wing

"Helen we need help now" shouts dean lays me down gently on the bed then she pushes everyone out so she and her crew can get to work

We all pace around back and forth waiting hope she'll be ok

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