The secret room

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Kai sat in his room waiting for the others to show up 

Kai heard a knock and answered it where he saw the gang

Hey come in Kai said as they walked in

Hey wheres skylor and Nya? Kai asked

Oh skylor said she had some business to do and Nyas looking around Lloyd said 

Uh huh Kai sakd

So whats up kai? Jay asked

I have a feeling that something more is happening then meets the eye Kai said

Is this about the trap door kai? Cole asked

I do believe that is what he is assuming Zane said 

Yeah i just feel like something bad will happen soon kai said crossing his arms 

Kai are those chocolates? Cole asked looking at the red ninja

Uh yeah Kai said confused at Coles random question

Sweet! Cole said grabbing them and jumping on the bed and laying down

Aw man your beds soooo soft its better then mine, mines made out of rocks! Cole said annoyed 

Uh huh yeah can we get back onto other measures? Kai asked

Go for it Cole said munching on the chocolate popcorns 

Anyways kai we cant be too sure about the trapdoor and what lies beneath it unless we lose and who knows where we will end up even if we lose, not too mention my father said we need to stick as a team Lloyd said

Maybe Zane could scan the area? Kai asked

I cannot i have tried when looking for the jadeblades in the last contest, but the place is sensor proof i will do believe i will not be useful in this area Zane said crossing his arms

Ugh great we have no leads Kai said his arms falling to his sides his head going down annoyed 

Well we could try later when the next contest happens maybe we can find something then Lloyd said 

Cole then screamed

Cole? Kai asked

They turned to look at the bed cole was on, or atleast where the bed would be

Just then the bed reappeared Cole grasping on it 

Cole what happened? Jay asked

I dont know but I believe i found our way to the underground Cole said

Yeah but maybe we should wait for later at night though i am actioned out Jay said

Indeed as there will be multiple guards out tonight Zane pointed out

Well good thing were ninja Kai said

Alright we will meet up tonight but just us five, skylors already having a hard time finding out her dads alive Kai said

And Nya can cover for us Lloyd said

Exactly but what about Garmadon? Kai asked

He will be asleep Lloyd said

Alright it's settled we meet up later tonight Kai said

They nodded and left kais room 

5 hours later

Kai wearing his new gi (tournament of elements one not jungle) waited on the sliding door next to the balcony waiting for the others to arrvie

Just then Cole and Lloyd arrived them too wearing their new gi's 

Nya meets Lloyd pt3 tournament of elements (the final part)Where stories live. Discover now