Suffering for success

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The normalization of suffering for success.

The sentence alone leaves a bitter taste to my tongue.

The idea of suffering for triumph has been engraved too deeply in the minds of our peers.

It's created a willing blindness in society.

Why should I suffer to succeed?

Better yet, why should I deal with suffering inflicted by others in order to succeed?

I can only look at my college professors with disgust as they tell me my health isn't a reason to skip class.

I can only look at my bosses with disdain as they explain why a family emergency isn't a reason to call out.

How long does one need to crawl on there hands and knees before another person helps them to stand?

I've voiced my concerns plenty of times and the responses given are always the same.

"You have to pick yourself up."
"Nobody is going to help you in this world."

But..why not?

To look at someone suffering the same way you did and turn a cheek is the ultimate disrespect to yourself.

How much self hatred do you have to be disgusted with the shared pain of another?

I wish I could scream in your face.

I would tell you how worthless you've become as a human to enjoy the suffering of others.

Struggling is normal.

Forcing struggle upon others is not.

You are a sick person.

This world is sick.

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