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I make my way to the bottom of the creaky stairs. A soft glow radiating from the stained glass window illuminates the image of the rose on the front door entrance. It triggers another painful memory of when Vecna invaded my mind. I no longer hear the high pitch shrieks from the creatures beyond the door. Did they take Eddie? I can't stand the thought of it. I won't give up until I find him in this wretched place. 

"Eddie, please say something," I call out trying to keep my voice low enough so that it can't be heard from outside just in case those things are still around. 

I turn the corner around the staircase and choose the room to my left. I walk in trying to ignore the sound of my pounding heart. The room is too dark to see anything. I keep my back against the wall as I make my way to the other side of the room avoiding furniture and overgrown roots reaching across the floor. I use my hands to feel my way through the dark focusing on my other senses to guide me. My foot bumps against an object causing it to roll a few inches away on the ground. I reach down and pat my hand around the floor to feel for it. I find a long smooth cylindrical surface. It dawns on me what the object is. I pick up the wooden bat that Eddie and I had brought with us. How did it get here?  I wonder to myself. Eddie must have come through this way. 

"Please answer me, Eddie," I call out again. No answer. 

I begin picking up the pace as I blindly feel my way through the room with the bat still in hand. My legs tremble as it becomes increasingly difficult to walk through the darkness; bumping into things and tripping over my own feet. I fight to stay strong and not let the fear consume me. I picture Eddie's face, his warm smile and kind eyes, and it's enough to give me the strength needed to keep going. I find myself in the back corner of the room realizing that he's not here. I'm alone. There's an empty feeling in my stomach that burns with hopelessness. To be here without him, I don't know if I can bear it. 

I can't let myself cry again. It's hard enough to see as it is. Keep moving forward, I tell myself. I hold my head up and start making a b-line across the room. My foot catches on a root, throwing me off of my feet. The bat rolls away out of reach into the darkness. 

"Damnit," I scold myself for not being more careful. I was too anxious to get out of this room.

I lay there for a moment trying to regain my bearings. My ankle throbs. I must have twisted it. Great, Chrissy... I push myself up and grab on to the nearest piece of furniture that I can find. A sharp pain radiates through my ankle as I try to put weight on it. I hobble across the room trying to make my way back into the main hall. I'm no good in this condition. If only I could get back upstairs and through the gateway, maybe I can bring help back with me. The thought of leaving here without him hurts my heart, but I think it's the only option at this point. 

I turn the corner using the wall for support. I take one more glance around hoping for any sign of him. The rooms are still. No sound. No movement. I close my eyes to fight back tears and begin counting to ten just like I used to when I was a child trying to get through the abuse of my mother. Counting to ten took my mind away from the moment and got me to the next. Once I get to ten, I'll forget the pain and I can get through this.

"One... Two... Three... Four..." I take a deep breath. "Five... Six... Seven..." I pause for a moment and open my eyes hoping that I'll see Eddie before I make it to ten. Still no sign. I close my eyes and continue. " Eight... Nine..."

"Chrissy," a low whisper calls out from the darkness. 

I open my eyes wide in shock. "Eddie?" I cry out. 

There's no response. I can't tell which direction his voice came from. He's near though. He's in one of these rooms. "Eddie, I'm here. Just let me know where you are!" I call out. I move away from the wall ignoring the pain in my ankle as I enter a room to the far right. It's just as dark as the last one. 

"Please say something," I plead. There's still no answer. I know I heard his voice. It wasn't my imagination. I know I'm not losing my mind. 

I listen at the doorway for a minute, but no response comes from inside the room. I turn and head down the hall toward another room. I step inside and begin to feel my way through the darkness, only this time there is a hint of light creeping in through a broken window. This room appears to be larger than the other. I can vaguely make out a table sitting in the middle of the room. Possibly the dining room? 

"Eddie?" I call out again. My eyes scan the room as they adjust to the darkness. Hints of light line the rims of random objects. Nothing seems familiar. There's a large piece of furniture against the wall and a reflection from what looks like a mirror. There's no movement though. No whispers of his voice. But, wait... My eyes land on a tall dark figure standing in the far corner of the room. Without thinking, I start moving toward it. Relief washes over me as I truly feel that it is him. 

"Eddie..." I say grabbing the dark figure before me. Disappointment rushes through me. It's nothing more than a coat rack with a jacket hanging on it. I grab the rack out of anger and throw it to the side. It makes a loud crashing sound and I instantly regret my outburst. 

"Chrissy," the familiar voice calls out from behind.

I gasp and spin around forgetting to favor my ankle, sending me an unwelcome reminder of the pain. I look up to the reveal of his tall silhouette standing inches away from me.

"Eddie!" I wrap my arms around him, squeezing as I cry out in joy and relief. Finally, we can get out of here together. "Where did you go? Are you okay? What happened?" I bombard him with questions. 

After a few seconds of no response, I begin to notice the coldness and silence of his demeanor. His arms don't embrace me in return. He stands stiff and still like a statue. I lean back and lift my head to see him. He looks down at me with a slight grin spreading across his face, highlighted by the light filtering in through the window. His expression sends chills down my spine. It's eerie and unsettling. The light reflects red in his eyes much like it would a wild animal. The harsh realization comes to me that the thing inside of him has taken over. 

Trapped in the Upside Down - A Chrissy and Eddie storyWhere stories live. Discover now