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I make my way to the dingy window and carefully lower the blinds to peek out hoping not to see any of the monsters that Eddie had told me about. My eyes scan the yard as far as I can see. Nothing. No sign of anything or anyone. 

"Ready, Sweetheart?" Eddie calls out, returning from down the hall. 

"Where do we go from here?" I turn to ask, spotting a shirtless Eddie entering the room as he pulls a clean shirt over his head. I catch myself staring at his tattooed chest with my mouth open.  I immediately look away in embarrassment. 

"I guess we try to find a way home," he responds with a hopeful tone.

"Home?" I don't even remember what I asked...

"Come on, let's go," he grins. 

He had explained to me that everything here in the Upside Down was the same as it was back home. Except, it was as if time was frozen here. He was right. It was like taking a step back in time to just a few years ago. I look back in his direction hoping that I'm not still blushing. He's wearing another Hellfire shirt. Or, maybe it's the same one only not torn to shreds, yet. I don't know. I still don't understand how this all works, really. I have my doubts when he says that we'll find a way home. I don't know if we're stuck in a spirit realm or some form of afterlife. Maybe he's right, though, and we are getting a second chance at life. All I know is that he has hope and that I feel safe with him. I'll follow him wherever he goes. 


As we make our way through this twisted version Hawkins, we cautiously maneuver in and out between houses and trees in hopes of going unnoticed just in case anything is near that would wish to do us harm. I follow his lead staying close at his side. He remains quiet with only the occasional whisper of reassurance. I find being with him quite amusing. Just a short time ago, I was sitting across the room from him in school during class. We never really even acknowledged each other. I always noticed him, for sure. There were times that I wondered about him. Who he was. What he was like. His long dark hair and heavy metal style made him pretty intimidating. I regret not getting to know him sooner and realizing that he was actually a really cool person. Now, here we are treading through the Upside Down together. 

I begin to wonder if we'll ever see the actual Hawkins or our friends again. I wonder if there's any hope that we'll ever see the light of day again at all. A hint of lightning illuminates the structures around us. The houses all look the same as they did back home. The streets are the same. Yet everything is different at the same time. My mind begins wandering as it tends to do and suddenly I'm caught off guard as I stumble over another one of those lifted roots. Eddie's hands grab me instinctively just before I'm completely thrown off balance. 

"I got you." he whispers softly. 

"Sorry, I..." I begin to apologize for my clumsiness.

"Hold onto my arm," he interjects.

I look to him and nod as I regain my footing. It feels good to have his hands on me again, but I really should get my shit together before he starts to think of me as an inconvenience and a total klutz. I smile and wrap my hand around the inside of his arm. I take advantage of the opportunity to walk as close to his side as possible without tripping him up as well. We continue walking and I can't help but concentrate on the way he towers over me and the way his muscle tenses every time we walk over an uneven patch of ground. We travel on foot for what feels like miles. I'm sure we've only gone a few blocks, but my feet ache already.

"Where are we headed?" I ask.

"Henderson once said that there are gateways at every murder site. That's how we got to the Upside Down; by coming through your..." he stops himself.

Trapped in the Upside Down - A Chrissy and Eddie storyWhere stories live. Discover now