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Two women in silk dresses with flared skirts walk hand in hand toward us

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Two women in silk dresses with flared skirts walk hand in hand toward us. They wear golden crowns fashioned to look like vines wrapping around their long dark hair and matching gold rings circle their second to the last fingers of their left hands. I've never met them before, but their elegant attire and matching medic pouches secured to their waists give me a clue to who they are—Queen Camile and Queen Consort Lina from Sara.

The Divine Sibyl walks a step ahead, towering at least a foot taller than the queens. Their blue robes billow around them with each step. Nothing sets them apart from the other sibyls except for the turquoise stone secured to a golden chain around their neck. Although I've been in their presence before, I might not have recognized them if it were not for the Ignosi. The Sacred Gift bestowed upon the sibyl leader gives them the ability to speak directly to the Statera. They are literally the voice of the divine.

I stand as the group moves closer and dip my head in reverence to the Devine Sibyl.

"Chin up, my king. You bow to no one," Raelle whispers before lowering into a curtsy.

I jerk my head up and fight the urge to pull Raelle upright. I was taught to always show the utmost respect to those in positions of authority. It feels wrong to stand tall and appear more important than those around me, especially her.

"Devine Sibyl," I say in greeting.

"King Kyron," they say and take in the members of my party one by one. They save Raelle for last, lingering on the top of her head. The hard set of their thin mouth and blank stare give no sign of their feelings toward her. Do they despise her for going against the creator to save me? Is it hard for them to believe that she found me more worthy than a crown?

"You may rise," the Devine Sibyl says.

I slide my fingers between Raelle's and pull her closer to my side. Let the sibyl think what they want, it doesn't change my intentions. And I'm not afraid to show them publicly.

Raelle bows her head and says, "Queen Camila and Queen Consort Lina, it is a pleasant surprise to see you here."

"King Kyron. Raelle Mansi, it is good to see you safe and sound," Camila says, taking her wife's hand in her own.

Lina's hand flexes around Camila's, holding on to her tighter. The sad smile Lina gives Raelle says it all. She dreads the thought of going through what we have. I doubt they know what it is like to go days without each other, let alone weeks. I found myself the most disappointed in them when I sent out my request for help finding Raelle. The Saras are known for their compassion. Many of them leave their kingdom to serve others, offering their skills to heal the sick and repair broken bodies. It seemed natural to think they would come to Raelle's rescue, but they remained quiet. I can't help but wonder why they didn't respond when they appear sincere in their well wishes now.

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