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The doors to the dining hall loom over me at the end of the corridor

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The doors to the dining hall loom over me at the end of the corridor. Since receiving Zek's message, everything thing seems massive... impossible to conquer. It took me several minutes to gather myself after giving into my emotions in mine and Kyron's room. The magnitude of what lies ahead felt overwhelming. I wallowed in the misery of feeling like this was a task too difficult for Pliris—a mountain we had to move with our bare hands. Only this mountain is in the form of an entire kingdom of shifters, with a mighty army. It wasn't until I calmed my breathing and sat in silence that I realized even a mountain could be moved. We would need to demolish it stone by stone, exhausting our resources and energy. But it could be done.

I stop in front of the two guards standing watch outside of the dining room. Lifting a finger, I signal for them to give me a moment. Our most trusted friends and family may sit behind these doors, but it doesn't make me any less nervous. This will be my first official act in Kyron's court. I can't help but wonder how my reputation as a fallen queen will proceed me. Some will believe I'm attempting to take my place as ruler again, and many will feel that I have no right to voice my thoughts on kingdom matters. I can't help but worry that the people I love most might feel the same.

I run my palms down the smooth black leather of my tight breeches and straighten the front of my red jacket. With a nod of my head, the guards throw open the doors. The room goes silent, and all eyes turn to me. The soles of my knee-high boots click on the shiny white floor as I make my way to the head of the table. I curse myself for tying my hair back at my nape. I feel vulnerable without the brown waives blocking my profile. Taking the empty chair to Kyron's right, I fold my hands in my lap and look at those around me.

Borin sits across from me in a deep purple jacket with a high neckline. His gaze locks on to mine and he slightly lowers his chin. It is a small gesture that lets me know he approves of me being here. Papa sits next to me in a gold and black guard uniform. His breast adorned with medals that claim he is the captain of the king's guard. He reaches over and places his hand over mine, giving it a squeeze. Across from Papa is Greer, with Terro and Ulric on either side of her. She sits back in her chair with one booted foot resting on her thigh. She looks casual and disinterested, but I've seen this cool demeanor before. Kyron once wore it when he was the army's general. He was anything but bored with gatherings like this. In fact, he was always waiting for that perfect moment to show just how invested he was. Greer is clearly doing the same. I pause on Ulric as he stretches his neck to talk to the person on the other side of him. Ashavee sits at the last seat in her human form, and she rolls her eyes at whatever Ulric whispers. It's good to see her here and to know she finally feels safe enough to join us in the weaker of her two forms. Leif and Wel occupy the last two chairs on the other side. Their hands rest on the tabletop, and I don't miss the way their fingers brush against each other.

"I am sorry I'm late. It took me longer to get ready for this meeting than I'd hoped," I say.

Kyron looks at me and the question in his expression is clear: are you all right? I nod and he gives his attention to the rest of the table. "Zek's focus seems to be Raelle," he says.

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