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(Now it's time for the final rewrite of Season 3.  Unless I decided to do this again if I changed my mind.  Now let's all agree.  Ladybug isn't the worst episode in Season 3, but it definitely is the worst paced episode in the entire show.  We got multiple story ideas shoved in here at once, and we are expected to think this is so cool.  We got Scarlet Moth building an army, we got Marinette getting expelled, we got Alya going research to help defend Mari, etc, etc.  It's like the writers want to make so many of these cool concepts work, but unfortunately put them inside a 22 minute episode.  Also although Lila did do a decent job here, most of her lies again just suck.  Not to mention, Marinette getting expelled after all that happened here.  Yeah, as much as I hate Marinette in canon, that's not worthy of being expelled.  At least to me it is.  Bottom line, Ladybug may look like a badass episode, but in truth, it's a mess.  Like most of canon now.  But as always, you got Ya Boy MiraculouslyGory here to bring Justice, and give you all a better version of an episode you hate.  So with all that being said, please enjoy).

We start off with Lila sitting on her bench in the park reading her book.  That's when Gabriel pulls up behind her.  He rolls his window down.  "So, you gave Nino, Chloe, and Kagami what they deserved?  Meaning they no longer will be a bad influence on my kid?"  Gabriel asked.  "Not at all sir.  And if they dare try again, no worried.  You got me to help keep your son safe."  Lila replied.  "I must say, you've been doing a decent job ever since we joined forces.  Perhaps, maybe you can be an... even more decent asset to my team."  Gabriel said.  "Which is?"  Lila asked.  "You'll earn it when I think the time is appropriate.  Anyway, the last one is Marinette.  I know about her.  Adrien says she is a decent classmate he has, as well as a decent fashion designer.  In fact, she modeled the hat my son wore the day Style Queen attacked.  Even Audrey believed what she made was exceptional.  [Lila growls].  So, why do you think she is a bad person?"  Gabriel asked back.  "She may look like a courageous girl, but I can see deeper into her other side.  She will do anything to get with your son.  Like, literal anything.  It may sound obsessive, and that's the point.  Marinette is an obsessive fan for your son.  You know how fans can be if they worship someone this much."  Lila replied.  "Hmm, that's true."  Gabriel said.  "But thanks to me, I should have this taken care of today.  And soon, you will never see Marinette next to your son, again."  Lila replied.  "Well then, my the best of luck be bestowed upon you, Lila."  Gabriel said, as he rolls up the window, and drives away.  As he drives, he sees Nathalie coughing.  "Are you sure your ok?"  Gabriel asked.  "[coughs].  I can handle the pain.  Let's just wait, and see what Lila has planned."  Lila replied. 

At school, everyone walks inside ready to start class.  With Lila talking to Nathaniel.  "Oh yeah.  I've seen a few great manga writers in Japan when I was there.  If you want, I can show you some of the skills I learned from them.  I could list names, but I meet so many, I basically forgot all of them."  Lila said.  Marinette watches this, and gets mad.  "What a lying cow!"  Marinette said.  Soon, Miss Bustier is now in class.  "Ok everyone, I have all your exams graded today.  And I have some good news.  Most of you, even the ones who did poorly, did very well this exam.  So, wonderful job to all.  However, I am going to need to see Marinette right now.  I need to check something."  Miss Bustier said.  "Oooohhh.  [looks around].  Wait?  Someone needed to do it."  Jack said.  Marinette obeys, as Lila smiles at what is going on.  "Ok, so what seems to be the issue here?"  Marinette asked.  "Well, turns out the test answer sheet was stolen a few days before the exam.  And someone left me an anonymous note saying you took the answers.  So if that's true, I am going to need to be sure if this is true."  Miss Bustier replied.  "Miss Bustier, I would never steal test answers.  This does sound suspicious, but go ahead.  I'm sure you'll find no test answers in here."  Marinette said.  "Ok then.  [looks through bag, then pulls out answers].  Huh?  Looks like you got some explaining to do."  Miss Bustier replied.  Soon, Marinette and everyone gasp.  "What the?  This... this is impossible.  No way I could have had those in my bag."  Marinette said.  "Guess that explains how you scored a 100 on the exam."  Miss Bustier replied.  "Wait, I got a 100?  Let's go!  I mean, of course I did.  I studied for it.  I always study hard for my exams."  Marinette said.  "That is true.  I have seen you get various 100s before."  Miss Bustier replied.  "Miss Bustier, as someone who is BFFs with Marinette, I know for sure this has to be a setup.  Marinette would never cheat."  Alya said.  "Thank you Alya."  Marinette replied.  "So what are you saying?  Someone put this in here?"  Miss Bustier asked.  "Possibly.  Not sure who though.  [looks at room, before she set eyes on Lila].  Of course.  I should have known.  It was you, wasn't it Lila."  Marinette pointed.  Everyone gasp again.  "Marinette!  Your accusing me of doing this?  But, I did nothing to you.  At least, from what I know."  Lila said.  "Ok Marinette.  Don't be accusing your classmates of doing this without any evidence.  We did talk about this the day Lila came back remember?"  Miss Bustier asked.  "I do, and I totally agree.  However this has Lila written all over it."  Marinette replied.  "Well it still would make no sense.  Lila got the worst score out of everyone here."  Miss Bustier said.  "But, but."  Marinette replied.  "Miss Bustier, be reasonable here.  Sure there is no evidence that accuses Lila of this, but think about it.  Marinette never cheated on one of your exams until now.  She never seems to struggle on them either."  Adrien said.  Marinette smiles.  Soon, the entire class starts defending Marinette.  This makes Lila a little upset.  "Ok, ok.  Marinette, Lila go to the principal's office, so he can figure this out.  And Lila is going, so Marinette can explain why she thinks Lila did it."  Miss Bustier said.  Lila gets up, walks down the stairs, and gives a mood face to Marinette.  She gets mad, and is still mad when Lila holds the door for her. 

MiraculouslyGory's Rewrite Redemption(Bonus MLB Season 3 and 4 rewrites)Where stories live. Discover now