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(Now onto the two Season 4 rewrites.  Truth and Lies.  Back then, I said Season 4 was better than 3 for various reasons, but I also had a very huge vendetta against the CN being left out arc(Kuro Neko especially).  Back then, I said it was character assassination, but that's not true anymore to me.  Nowadays, this arc is possible one of their most genius ideas, but it went ultimately wasted when they decided to make Cat's reasons to feel upset not because he was left out.  But because LB doesn't love him back.  But then again, I can't blame the writers.  Since Mari is the MC, she can't face consequences or be called out am I right?  Ok, but that's not what this story is about.  Now, in my opinion, I would say Season 4 is actually WORSE than 3.  Like Season 3, this season didn't actually go anywhere.  Not one bit, except for new heroes.  And although the Cat Noir arc looked like it was going somewhere, the end result went to nothing.  He just stays with LB after all of that, and nothing changed story wise.  I mean, you could legit watch the finale, and the episodes where we get new heroes, Penalteam included(not important to the finale as Astruc said, but you get it), and everything else doesn't matter!  Speaking of Astruc, I want to defend this man child for a minute ok? I agree that ever episode in Season 4 is as good/impactful as Cat Blanc as he said online. Because most if not all of them are pointless, and may look emotional, but led to no aware at all. So yeah, congrats bro. You achieved your goal. Not to mention, this season basically destroyed the show fully.  It ruined Marinette.  Adrien.  Chloe.  Almost all the love square ships.  And much more.  However, one of the many things people argue about this season is of course: Lukanette and Adrigami.  These two ships were absolutely wasted.  Did they have potential?  Absolutely.  But what's even the point now?  They became canon, or were starting to develop in Miracle Queen, but then they broke up immediately at the start of this season.  Why?  I have no idea other than, screw these ships!  All we need is the love square.  That's where all the romance is.  Toxic, abusive, creepy, and horrible(If you can't tell, I don't like any of the love square ships.  They all are just plain boring, and disgusting to me.  Especially Adrienette in Season 5).  And honestly, I don't care about any of the ships in this show at all.  Except if they were made by me, because I know how to make a ship healthy, and cute.  Anyway, despite the fact I don't care about Lukanette and Adrigami, plus the fact I am going to break the up here as well, I'm still here to at least bring them justice.  So with all that explained, let's begin).

We start off in Marinette's bedroom.  Inside, she is doing some research, and looking at old notes Master Fu left her.  "So, your telling me they all live in there?  Like, they all just relax inside?"  Marinette asked.  "Yep.  Well, except for Nooroo, Duusu, and Plagg."  Tikki replied.  "And they are, ok with that?"  Marinette asked.  "You may think it's small, but we have a whole world of wonders inside there.  Lots of wonders."  Tikki replied.  "Right.  So, how do I even get them open?"  Marinette asked.  She gets that answer when she presses a button on the top of the box.  It starts to spin around, when all of the sudden, the doors open.  "Well, crap."  Marinette said.  Just like that, all the kwamis fly outside the box, and are filled with joy.  They move around Marinette's room, touch her stuff, and even make Marinette fall out her chair.  "Well, there's your answer."  Tikki said.  "Appreciate it, translator."  Marinette replied. The kwamis keep on flying, and start making a mess. Throwing stuff around, and making Marinette fall onto her floor. "Ooh, where does this go?" Kaalki asked, as she is about to go outside. Marinette freaks out, runs, and grabs Kaalki right before she gets far enough. And enough for a woman and her kid to see this. "Oh yeah. Ummm, this is my new squishy. Not for sale, for the time being. And yes, it can fly. How so? Don't ask." Marinette said, as she closes her window door. The kwamis keep on partying, so Marinette needs to act fast. One by one, she grabs the kwamis into her hand, until she was able to get them all. "Ok, I can see you all are pumped to be here, but I'm going to kindly ask you to stop please." Marinette said. "Stop? Stop? Why stop when we have a new world to explore?" Xuppu asked. "This is Earth still." Trixx replied. "But it's a new room at the same time." Xuppu said. "Oh, in that case." Trixx replied, who then starts licking Marinette's hand. "EWW!!! WHAT THE HECK?!" Marinette screamed, as the kwamis are set free. They continue to fly around causing havoc, which leds two of them, Mullo and Daizzi onto her computer. Marinette goes to get them, but then she falls at the wrong time. Since Mullo answers a video call from Alya. "Hey, Marinette. What's up?" Alya asked. Marinette then craps herself, as she gets up with the other kwamis looking at the screen. "Uhh, hey girls. Ok, look. I know what this seems, but I can explain. These are some of my new squishes that I'm working on, and..." Marinette replied, before she gets interrupted. "Pause, question. What squishes?" Alya asked. On her screen, she doesn't see anything. "Marinette, remember. Us kwamis can't be recorded, or seen on cameras." Tikki said. "Oh yeah. So now I'm looking like a moron in front of my friends." Marinette replied. "But did you say squishes? Can we see them?" Rose asked. "Uhh, they are a work in progress. Look, I love to chat, but I need to go. Now." Marinette replied. "That orange haired one is cute. I want her to be my holder." Daizzi said. "Sorry Daizzi. She's mine." Trixx replied. "Hold on? So Trixx can have a holder, but not us?" Mullo asked. This then leds to the kwamis who don't have holders asking questions. Well, except Ziggy. She is holding Marinette's phone, which is getting a phone call from Luka. Marinette freaks out. "Ok, sorry. I really need to go. See you girls later." Marinette said, as she hangs up. She then grabs her phone. "[answers, and clears throat]. Hello, Luka." Marinette said. "Hey, Marinette. Finally you called. I've been trying to call you three times now." Luka replied. "Yeah, sorry. I was a bit busy right about now." Marinette said. "Busy? Ok then. Did you at least remember today?" Luka asked. "Uhhh, what exactly?" Marinette asked back. "Our date at the movies. I'm here now. At your place." Luka replied. Marinette's Dad knocks on her door, so Marinette freaks out again. "Of course I didn't forget. Just give me twenty seconds, and I'll be down." Marinette said. "Whatever you say." Luka replied, as he hangs up. Marinette then grabs the box, and the kwamis, and put them all inside a drawer. "Now I'm begging you guys. Don't, cause, any, trouble! Ok? That's an order." Marinette said. They all nod their heads. "Thank you." Marinette said. With that, she and Tikki leave to go on Mari's date.

MiraculouslyGory's Rewrite Redemption(Bonus MLB Season 3 and 4 rewrites)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu