Chapter 3 - jelouse Saul?

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"come sit down and tell me about your lil girlfriend Dale"

"Yeah her name is Angie she's super hot she's in highschool-"


"oh no it's cool she's 18 plus it's consensual"

"Oh alright continue"

"But uh when I go see her and see all these other guys she's around and talks to sometimes it makes me feel bad"

"Well what do you mean"

Saul kept watching you and Dale talk as you were turned towards Dale so you weren't paying attention to him so Saul scooted closer to you and put his hand on your leg you didn't really notice because you were just in the conversation with Dale not paying much attention to your surroundings plus you were high

"It's just all these guys are fit and good looking and I'm over here a dumb fat stupid asshole"

"Nah Dale your cool and you gotta be better than those guys because she could have picked any of them but she chose you"

"Yeah I guess so you're really cool y/n"


"Totally 100%"

"Aww thanks Dale actually let me go get your stuff I think it's done"

You walked off then Dale went to go talk to Saul

"She's pretty chill bro"

"Yeah I know she's my friend"

"You look mad what's going on Saul?"

"Nothing I'm fine just tired I guess"

"Here you go Dale"

"Thank you I'll be right back"

"K...hey Saul sorry me and Dale was just chilling and talking he seems cool"

"I guess so just...don't get too close to him"

"Why is he super weird or something?"

"Nah I just don't want him to get a crush on you it's gross"

"How come it's gross?"

"I don't know just is"

"He has a girlfriend anyways so it's not like he's gonna like me anyway"

"He could when you were gone he was talking about you"

"Oh really?"

Eventually you caught on that Saul was jelouse that you might like Dale better than him and then eventually start dating Dale you and Saul haven't dated but had your fair share of hook ups before but are also super close friends and been knowing each other forever you just never really thought that Saul would actually like you

"Yeah It was super weird"

"Well...he seems cute but I don't know he kinda has a girlfriend"

You laugh as Saul just looks at you and then looks away annoyed

"Even though he seems friendly I don't think I would get with him anyways you know?"

"Yeah whatever"

"I mean it"

Dale then walks in

"Hey y/n could you actually please drive me to Angie's place?"

"Uhh sure now?"


"Alright well let's get going Saul come on where does she live at anyways"

"I'll give you directions"

Dale gives you directions telling you when and where to turn and you guys get back to also talking about different stuff Saul gets annoyed again and just looks out the window

"K this is the place thanks"

"No problem we'll actually wait here for you"

"Cool how do I look"

"Great now bye"

"You sure you don't like Dale?"

"I'm sure why you even worried about it anyways"

"Because Dales my bro and your also my friend my best friend really and if you guys date that will be werid and if you guys break up you know"

" sure thats the only reason"

This time you put you hand on Saul's leg and lean in for a kiss he leans in to and accidentally bumps his forehead against yours


"Ouch what the fuck"


"Let's try again"

Both of you lean back in this time actually kissing no Dale interrupting you or no foreheads hitting each other just you and Saul actually kissing for real this time pulling away a bit to tease Saul and laugh he grabbed your face with both of his hands to bring you back to him and so you can't pull away again just for fun you push him off back into his seat and smile

"What was that for?"

"Dude check our surroundings and plus we are supposed to be waiting for Dale remember?"

"Yeah yeah...wait actually I know those guys SHIT I GOT TO GO WARN DALE!"


Saul ran inside to tell Dale about Matheson and Budlofsky being outside of Angie's house







Angie's dad done came back with his gun and tried shooting at Dale and Saul


"no don't fuck us anywhere!"

Angie and her family with Saul and Dale got into the car to leave when her dad told them to get out

"Go to a hotel use a fake name...garagely okay I will keep you and your family safe"

"Fuck off loser"


Dale and Saul ran away from Angie's house and must have forgot that you was there in the car because they went the other way driving around you couldn't find them anywhere so you just decided to go back home even though you really didn't want to you just thought maybe it was the best idea to

End of chapter 3 - jelouse Saul?
I'm thinking of making another fanfic idk rn just thinking it will be a smut mostly fic tho

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