~ 𝟕𝟎𝟕 ~

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Should I keep loving forever? Will I be dropped into the hands of the man I desire?


~ Is the search my part or yours?

Should I hide and keep all the gifts my body holds for an illusion?

That you would arrive someday in the future

That you would walk in confident that I would receive you

Ready to take me on the rest of the journey that led you to me

What about you would lower my guard? I'm dreaming...

I know the pleasure that I am

With tears and days

A mirror took in of me what men couldn't see

Naked on the bed

Soft shadows around every soft curve

Tears of fear that you've neglected my story

That I am not given the chance to shine as other women could

I want to be her

The woman they shamed out of me

A woman who wears her darkest desires

Shamelessly pulling in any man with lust she wants to immerse herself in

It's a crime to waste my beauty and sweet taste

Give me a stage to be desired, I deserve your attentive and soft gaze

Give me an audience whose needs you created me for and Iet me receive the praise

Who was it you created me this precisely for? Is my vastness and wildness for a man to succumb to?

Let me be with a man alone

I crave my own unraveling more than I crave to be his

I want to witness myself go from cold to hot

Fiery then warm

Crazy then sore

Motherly then a whore

I want to create chaos and then fall asleep in his arms

I want to lose myself in all that can come through me

She owes it to herself to embody and embrace every woman that she is

She must know herself before she is claimed by any

I'm endless

A full range of colors to entertain each hour of his day

How can a man complement me? What could he add to my play?

Sometimes I deny myself pleasure thinking he'll notice my needs and take me there instead

I hold my breath and long ever more intensely

To be grateful after he overwhelms my senses and then frees me

But you never arrive

You never kneel ready and grounded in front of my heavenly gates

You're never here to open and receive my honey

Am I not the art that delights you and the challenge that awakens you?

There are lines on my body that I wish for you to remember

Compliments I can't give myself because I'm not you

My scent I won't recognize as you could

My highest meaning I could not know without you

So to the Gods who love me

The hearts that remember me

Don't let me be wasted

I'm a fertile ground for magic and passion

I pray you see the Goddess in me the way I do...

As I lay down the softest blanket I have

With the night sky and candles, I calm my fears

With a gentle first kiss and my own caress, I give in

. I am .

 I am

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