Chapter 6 - Mistake

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Oh no what did I just say. Oh no. Just as I had whispered those words Thelma fainted I tried to catch her but my hands just went right through her. " NOOOO, THELMA DO YOU HEAR ME THELMA DON´T LEAVE! JARETH!!!!!" I screamed.

"What´s said is said Sarah and I have granted a part of your wish, the other part is impossible for me to grant" I heard a voice whisper. "WELL IT WAS A MISTAKE YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG I WANT TO HAVE HER BACK!!!" I shouted in response. "Sarah I can not take back wishes, but you can on your own of course I can not help you."he said and laughed. Then I remembered Thelma had given me a crystal. I took it out of my pocket. I looked into it to see that Thelma was wearing the same outfit as me in my dream and she looked exactly the same except she had golden hair.

Me and Jareth looked at each other wondering what would happen next to our only daughter. She was as confused as ever. "She looks exactly like you when you were in your dream" Jareth said in total surprise. I threw the crystal to the ground and everything started to turn. I heard a song I had´nt heard in 17 years.

Thelma was singing the song instead of Jareth. She was walking through the crowd to find me. "Mom" she whispered. I heard those whispers. In the crowd I also heard a familiar laughter. "You can´t find her Sarah" Jareth said."I will find her as I found Toby" I whispered.


"HELP!!!MOM MOM MOM I AM OVER HERE HELP MOM" I screamed without use. I had tried to use the crystals to get out of this bubble but it did´nt work. I was slowly floating out of the ballroom and into a star filled sky. Everything started slowing down. I banged my fist into the crystal bubble I was currently floating around in. "Stop it now" I heard Jareth said. "This was your mother´s wish, she called this upon you" he said. "I am sure she did´nt wish for me to be stuck in this bubble like a prisoner with no company but my terribly cruel father. I see now why mom kept me a secret from you. She has loved me more than you ever will. You don´t deserve a chance to be my father!"I shouted with tears forming in my eyes. I searched his face for any emotion at all but found only surprise, anger and...hurt. Well it does´nt matter because it was my plan to hurt him. He deserves to be hurt. "Thelma, I am trying to be as fatherly as I can to you but your mother is making it difficult for me, she left me with a broken heart. Your mother has had my heart in her hands from the moment I met her. I have taken the job to be a goblin king and I am very powerful and have been from the very moment I became one. When I looked into the crystals to see waht your mother was thinking about she was of course thinking of you alot but I did´nt think it was some special child. I just thought she wanted a child of her own but I then saw it was you" he  snapped. "I want to give you a chance but I just can´t. You took my uncle Toby when he was little and I am actually surprised she forgave you after that." I said with tears in my eyes rolling down my cheek as well. He walked into the bubble, sat down with me and took me into his arms to hug me.

I could´nt do much else but to let him. It was comfortable to have him holding me fatherly. He began humming a lullaby. It calmed me down and before I knew it I was deep in sleep.


I looked everywhere for her, even under the cushions in the middle of the ballroom. She was´nt here. I did not  doubt that this was one of Jareth´s tricks. Suddenly a different song started playing like more of a lullaby. I took out the crystal to see if Thelma was ok. Jareth was holding her fatherly in his arms and he was singing a lullaby unknown to me. It looked as if Thelma had been crying. I don´t know why but for some reason, it calmed me that Jareth was holding her. I guess it was because with him she was sort of safe. He was stroking her hair gently. It made me wonder why I had´nt taken her to me earlier. Tears threatened to burst through my eyes and ruin my search. I sat down on the cushion pile in the middle of the room. They were so comfortable that I fell asleep.


She was so beautiful when she slept. Though one thing was really strange about her sleep, she kept whispering secret and no. It confused me majorly until I could not bare it. I had to know what she was dreaming. I looked into her thoughts and saw mine and Sarah´s first meeting. How did she know this? It was like watching a movie. One thing was that when me and Sarah were dancing in her dream she smiled in her sleep. I smiled too knowing it was just an innocent dream of her mother´s adventure through my ever so challenging labyrinth. I suddenly felt that I should look at Sarah and then I saw that she was asleep. I believe she was exhausted after looking for Thelma.

I had after all hidden her in a good place. I lifted thelma still holding her and took her to my castle. When I arrived at Thelma´s room I put her down in the bed and put the covers over her so that she would´nt get cold. I snapped my fingers and Thelma was in her beautiful nightgown which automaticly made her other clothes go into her walk in wardrobe. I barely believed it. My own daughter. She was my jewel and I would never look past that. I would always protect her. My shining diamond. She was surely brighter than the sun in beauty. I had never seen anything so beautiful. I would keep this image in my head and paint a picture of her.

But right now I needed to go and get Sarah. I arrived at where Sarah lay and slept peacefully on the stack of cushions. I took her to her room and lay her in her bed. I walked down the hall to my own room across from Thelma. I wanted her room to be there so that I could keep a close look on her.

As I have said no one can ever take her away from me. I like to keep my things to myself.

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