Chapter 4 - All it takes

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We kept turning around in circles. Suddenly we stopped. "Mom, Mom WAKE UP! HELLO MOM MOTHER MA!!!!!!" I shouted. I looked around still holding mom. We were in the same room as ehh.....ah..Jareth sang "Dance magic". I was never allowed to watch that movie but, when I did I felt way too attatched to it and kept watching it on the internet. I never knew why mum and dad never allowed me to watch it but I did´nt understand it up until now. Sarah,I mean mom was protecting from Jareth who, apperantly was my dad.

"What where are we what happened" mom said as she stood up quickly. "Hello again Sarah" Jareth said. Mom quickly stood in front of me protectively. "Stay behind me Thelma" she whispered. "Let the girl pass Sarah" Jareth said quickly. "Why is she here, Jareth, why are we here" mom said. "Because she is my rightful daughter and is an heir of mine and you kept her away from me Sarah, my child, I am angry at you Sarah, I am really angry" he said. "I kept her away from your cruel ways and gave her a life without the labyrinth, a normal life" mum whispered loudly.

"You think I would never find her! I still have my powers Sarah, I still watch over you. So did you not think I would get suspicious because you were leaving on a plane, going to a small country at the north side of the human world,when you never travel anywhere unless you absoloutely have to Sarah, the crystal showed me the parents of this girl and that´s when the sparks of my fury began You caused this upon yourself, Sarah!" he snapped.I just remembered something I learned yesterday when I woke up in the middle of the night, Yes that´s it.


Thelma sent me a pleading look with her eyes and when I did´nt respond at all to it she closed her eyes like she was focusing on something and then a few crystals started rolling towards me. "Amazing" I whispered loudly. Sarah became pale as she watched the crystals roll back into Thelma´s hand. "I am capable of the same things as you are Jareth, I know how to use my crystals" she said and stepped from behind her mother. " How do you know how to use those crystals?!?!" Sarah said. "It´s simple, focus on them and they will come to you, appear in your hand. That´s all it takes" she showed us how she did it and it changed her clothes. She had changed into a pair oof jeans and a white shirt... the same clothes that Sarah wore when she solved my labyrinth "Yes well no time for that" she said.

She changed back into her clothes and whistled with her fingers and as soon as she did that a heap of goblins appeared in the room. "I believe you must go to your rooms" I said and took them both seperately to their rooms.

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