A police officer

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Rishi has been tied to a chair for the past 5 hours, his mouth stuffed with his own sock. It's a small abandoned room, filled with dust as if no one has opened it for years. The lone, shattered window in the room lets the sun's rays in, lighting the space despite its lack of lights.

A police officer, with a proper haircut and a trim beard, enters the room. He takes out his ID and puts it on the table.
"Has he told you anything? ... He is quite a character, isn't he?" He says it with a smile. "Check his camera. Let's see what he has captured", he continues.

Rishi is confused as to why this police officer is talking to himself. He ignores it and continues cutting the ropes with the broken piece of the blade he discovered lying beneath the old, rusty table to his left.

"So, you're a photographer/vlogger... I'm going with a vlogger. Look, kid, I don't know you, but still, I wanted you to be successful. Believe me. You are like, what, 21 or 22 years old? You had a great future ahead of you, but unfortunately, we have crossed paths now. Now, you know a lot about my business. You entered the wrong premises for content. Sadly, your creativity became your enemy.", he says, making a sad and disappointed face.

As he is talking, Rishi sees the ID that the police officer has placed on the table. He is stunned. His face looks really tense, and his eyes are becoming so wide that they could pop out of his face. "Mental Patient" is written on the ID with the picture of the police officer. Rishi starts cutting the ropes with more intensity. All of a sudden, the broken blade fell off his hands. "What's that?" says the patient, disguised as a police officer, with a skeptical voice. His eyes catch the blade. "This is wrong. I was liking you, man. That's why people have trust issues." The patient picks up the blade and stands behind Rishi.

Rishi starts crying and shouting. He is shaking and trying to move the chair with great force. "Shh...shh... It will take just a few minutes. Just remember, it's not personal. I really liked you" he says in a calm voice. He cuts his throat with the broken blade. Blood is spilling throughout the room. Rishi is still trying to move his hands and legs. He shouts, but the voice is not coming out with great intensity now. In no time, Rishi's body is lying on the chair.

The patient, with no guilt, walks out of the room. He takes out his phone, which has no SIM card. "Hello, yes, I just gave the audition for the corrupt police officer role. Let me know if I get selected. Also, tell your supporting actor that he was great. He didn't give me any script; I just performed on the basis of the clues that he was giving me. One more thing, yesterday I also gave the audition for the serial killer role; have you checked it yet?"

A police officerWhere stories live. Discover now