Chapter 1

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A/N: This is just a short like two chapter that i had to right for english, so i thought i would just post it here and see what people think! So feel free to drop a comment to tell me whatcha think ;) i will post the other part..... Soon hehe So off you go! Go readddd!


Beep, beep, beep. BOOM!

I start sprinting away from the spurts of fire that are coming out from the walls, running down the teasingly long hallway. I can see the light at the end, leading me to the next challenge, trying to make my way out of this torturous building, trying to take my life.

My names Cassy Blake, I'm 15 and always running. When I was younger, around 11 or 12, I was thrown in here and told to run, to run and never stop. I would get places to rest, but not for long. Bread and water at every check point.

I'm only a few metres from the end, when a massive flame flies across the track in front of me. I skid to a stop, to let the flames cross by. I turn my head to see that the flames are right behind me. I need to start running but the flames are still passing in front of me. They stop a moment later and I run, I run fast.

Finally, I bolt out of the hallway and into the next room. I start to walk forwards, but then stop. I can't walk forwards. There's no ground. I look up to see that there are blocks scattered all over the room, situated about one metre from each other. I have to jump. The blocks are sitting on top of tall rock like towers which are as tall as the eye can see.

I jump to the first block, making that one easily. I continue jumping and I notice that the blocks are getting further apart, something that I couldn't have observed from the start. I refocus and look at the next jump ahead. It looks impossible, a mear meter and a half away, my legs aren't terribly long. I take a small step back, to get a run up. I jump and land on the edge, struggling to stay up, I fall backwards.

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