Chapter Eleven

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"Yeah Willow's not coming back, mate."
"What? What do you mean? Where is she?"
Mark shrugs as he tucks another biscuit in between his crusty lips.
"Well...maybe...she's staying with one of her mates?" He suggests as he munches with his mouth open; sending chewed up waste soaring in our direction.
I stand up. My heart feels heavy and my brain whizzes with panicked thoughts; what the fuck do we do now?!
"Who is willow anyway?" I glare inwardly at the blonde haired beauty standing by me.
Who is Willow?
She's the love of my...
But I stop my thoughts and I sigh shakily. I look back down at Amelia.
"Sorry. She's....just a mate."
"And," Mark bounces in, still eating with crumbs spilling down his shirt and to the floor. "My girl."
"Yeah," I swallow, looking longingly at the door. "His girl."
Mark walks away,vanishing into his room. I sigh in relief.
"Well...I should-" She's turning to walk away but I grab her hand, quickly.
"No, no, stop!" I laugh slowly when I see her turn in surprise but really; I'm far from laughing. "Stay. No wait I mean, well...I mean stay for a little longer. If you want I mean. If you're really tired then go and i don't know maybe tomorr-"
"Dan!" She shakes my shoulder lightly. "I'll call you."
"Right." I laugh. "I'm...look, I'm sorry if I'm acting-"
"Weird. Yeah, but it's...cute."
I smirk; "Well I'm Irish. The Irish are often rather quite adorable, mind you."
She rolls her eyes that reminds me of painfully of Willow.
"You're Irish, right?" I try, leaning in slightly and she shrugs, seeming bashful.
She grins however.
"Do you mind if I stay? I mean I don't want to-"
"It's no bother at all, darlin."
Another wink from me.
Another blush from her.
I'm on a roll.
"We could watch a film?"
She nods.

I turn on a film and instantly wrap my arm around Amelia as I sit beside her on the couch. She lightly unravels herself from my grasp however.
"Dan," She peers up at me, uncertain about my actions.
You're such an asshole.
"I'm sorry...I just..."
I'm not an asshole.
"Can we just watch the film?"
You clearly are. You don't know this girl. Stop using her!
"Right." I swallow.
Maybe you should get to know her?
That wasn't the purpose of the plan!
Fuck the plan!
I slowly look at her as she sits up with her leg crossed over the other. Her eyes glistening as she watches the motions of the television.
She is really pretty. She's polite, sincere, sweet. And she likes our music.
I shrug.
Fuck it, why not?
"We didn't talk much." She looks up at me as I speak and I smile. "I mean at the shopping centre when I bumped into you outside that cafe. We spoke but I don't-we don't really know each other."
I turn myself in her direction.
I see her blush again but she's smiling, her face a soft vermilion colour.
"I told you some stuff."
"Yeah like where you grew up and basic stuff like that but come on, what are you into?"
"What am I...into?"
"What artists or bands to do you listen to?" I grin and she seems to relax.
"Kodaline...Imagine Dragons, stuff like that."
"And The Script?"
A giggle escapes her lips as she clears her throat.
"And The Script." She confirms.
"Do you read?"
"Yes, I love reading."
She's so different from Willow.
She's quiet. Willow is so damn loud, you literally can't get a word in.
She didn't really read either. I mean she loved art and did write occasionally but books; she didn't see the point.
The biggest thing was that; Amelia loves our music. That's how I met her.
"'re Danny," She was looking around, uncertainly. "Danny O'Donoghue?"
I genuinely had found it cute and started talking to her.
Willow was never that keen on our music though.
"It needs more rock," She once told me.
She was smirking because she knew it would annoy me.
Of course I disagreed and she stubbornly shouted over my words.
"Rock music is so much better; it's deeper, louder! You just get lost in it! You're music is basic, Daniel."
I wasn't hurt though. I liked that she wasn't scared to put her opinion in.
"Are you listening?" Amelia raises her eyebrows and I nod.
"Of course."

That's when Willow enters.
My heart thumps with excitement.
She's going to be so jealous.
She's going to finally realise she wants to be with me, that she can't stand the thought of anyone else being by my side. She's going to come in and this will be it. She will be mine...
She stalks past us and into the bathroom and I stand up, watching her carefully.
Is she okay?
"I should go, Dan."
I tear my eyes away from the bathroom door, guilt filling my body as I see Amelia gather her stuff to leave.
"I'm so sorry for tonight. Call me later?"
She nods and scurries to the door.
I quickly glance to the bathroom where the door is still locked.
And I hear her.
She's crying.

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