· Chapter 3 - Freedom ·

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Nevarro is as hectic as Din remembers, and isn't surprised at all to see people of all kinds and races running about, working, traveling, trading.

The Mandalorian is kind enough to lend him a spare cloak with a hood, to hide his identity from potential unethical bounty hunters, looking to steal a bounty instead of catching it themselves. Din appreciates the Mando not wanting to have him being turned in by another hunter that isn't her, and he can't thank her enough for choosing to walk by his side, and not behind him instead, watching his every step.

Under the protection of the dark robe, Din casually strolls through open avenues, a busy market, narrow alleyways; the Mandalorian is quiet, stoic, guided him without dithering across the monotonous sand city.

His heart skips a beat when he feels her throwing an arm up in front of him, effectively stopping him in his tracks. He fiddles nervously with his handcuffed hands, closing his eyes and sighing yet again.

This is it.

He reopens his eyelids to stare up at the old yet menacing-looking, sandy-colored building that stands merely a few feet away from him and the hunter. Nothing about this structure makes it any more special than the rest, and it's exactly the lack of distinctive features what makes it even more ominous. Din can only imagine the kind of people that choose to hang around places such as this, practically on the outskirts of town; not the trustworthy type, and exceptionally shady... and dangerous.

Imperialists definitely fit the type.

Djarin's shoulders go completely slack in defeat, as his brown eyes dart down to glance briefly at the hunter. He expects her to just shove him in, claim what she's owed, and then leave.

But then he sees the Mandalorian unholster her faithful blaster instead.

It is then that he notices, realizes the front door to the building is completely destroyed. As if a giant blast had ripped it off of the frame, the only thing left of the once gray blast door are some bent metal chips, completely charred by whatever device had been used to break it open.

Much to his own shock, the hunter gently shoves him behind her imposing figure as her blaster aims up. Her Beskar helmet turns to face him, the dark visor stares right at him as she commands him to stay put. The moment he nods his head in agreement, with slow, tentative steps, the Mandalorian turns and crosses the mangled threshold; she walks into the dimly lit hallway, blaster at the ready.

Djarin obeys her order and simply observes her, curiosity taking the best of him; he is fully aware now, he can run. He could run, and escape. He could take the Crest, even, and travel across the galaxy faster than ever before, leaving the Mandalorian stranded for a while.

He could, but he wouldn't.

This hunter had shown him such kindness, unlike any other hunter that's ever caught him, and it's this exact trait of hers that has him deciding right on this moment to stay still on his spot, waiting. Not to mention how his own curiosity has him stepping a little closer to the opening, silently wondering what could've happened.

Before he can allow his mind to wander over many potential options, a group of people traverses the usually empty, narrow street; unluckily for him, they are heading right in his direction. At first, Din turns slightly, and leans casually against the wall, hiding his handcuffed hands behind the cloak. However, with one subtle glance at the approaching group, he quickly recognizes one of them as another bounty hunter: a tough-looking, green Twi'lek armed to the teeth, who just happens to be showing off his latest acquisition from a hunt—an E-22 double-barreled blaster rifle.

Din feels a shiver hit him, running up his spine and raising all the hairs on the back of his neck—one hit from that gun can and will kill him instantly, especially now that he cannot defend himself at all. He darts his eyes between the Twi'lek and the rifle nervously, then to the non-existent blast door. His feet move before he can even register the action, as he instantly makes the decision to follow the Mandalorian into the dark building, hoping to find her quickly; he feels much safer by her side.

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