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Jacob wasn't the only one going to be in his first phasing that night. But no one else would know, because they was to worried about helping the Black's boy.

Alaina went home, which was the second worse choice she made that night.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You're grounded!" Grandma Sandra raced over to her. "When you're ground, you stay home from any kind of activity!"

Alaina ignored the yelling, which sounded like a speaker was rammed right into her ear, and walked up the stairs. Only to be followed.

"I'm so sick of you not listening when I tell you something!" Sandra continued. "You disobey my rules. You disrespect me, in my own house. And now, you've been disrespecting the house you live in!"

Alaina slammed the door again. She was just so tired of her grandmother. She was tired of everything to do with her.

Seconds after Alaina slammed her door, the door started to break. It wasn't from Alaina, not this time. It was from her grandmother, outside the door with a baseball bat.

"I'm tired of it." Sandra hit the door, breaking it. "I'm tired of the back talking. I'm tired of the eye rolls. I'm tired of the attitude. I'm tired of the not listening!" She hit with every sentence.

Alaina definitely felt like she deserved getting her door taken down, but she didn't deserve the thundering in her ear. Once the door was down and broken, Sandra stood at the opened space, bat slowly dropping from her hand, looking like a total nutcase.

"What is wrong with you?" Alaina shouted.

"Me?" Sandra yelled. "What is—"

"Sandra!" Stanley shouted, walking past her, standing between the two. "You have both reached your limits with me. You can't go seconds in a house old without having a complete uproar. It's getting ridiculous. You are both in the wrong here. Sandra, sweetheart, you need to calm down on her. She's seventeen. She wants to have fun. Stop trying to push all this nonsense on her; Alaina, dear, you have to start listening to your grandmother. You haven't wanted to listen for years. You're always trying to get a new uprise from her. It needs to stop."

Alaina nodded, but her heart still raced in her chest, her breathing was still heavily. She was angry and it was obvious to tell. Sandra nodded, having no kind of emotions mixed in anymore.

"Thank you." Stanley grabbed Alaina's arm, then jerked back. "Jesus, Laina." He said. "You feel like a furnace. Are you okay? Do you have the stomach flu everyone is getting?"

"I'm okay, Grandpa." Alaina told him. "I just feel a bit sick. Could I go stay with Embry?"

"Be back tomorrow." Stanley nodded.

Alaina walked back her grandmother, who seemed a lot calmer now, she walked down the stairs, making it to her car when her head began to spin. She knew she couldn't drive, but she couldn't go back in, which left her the woods. Alaina walked to the woods, her head felt like she was drunk. It was all over the place, making her feel very sick. Her body truly did give off heat like a furnace. And all she wanted to do was go back inside and snap at her grandmother.

Alaina finally figured out that everything she'd been experiencing lately wasn't for a push aside. Her senses grew like they would being a werewolf. That's the moment it hit her hard. Alaina leaned against a tree and began to weep. She didn't want to become a werewolf. She wanted to stay human.

If she had a choice between becoming a wolf or changing into a vampire, she'd pick wolf. As much as she'd hate it, she'd hate being a vampire more. She didn't want to live forever having to drink blood. Alaina wanted children, which vampires couldn't have.

The Family Genes // twilight. Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now