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249 years ago...

In my earliest years, I visited the Cabin. Close enough to the War Camps for my brother to train, but far enough to be safe from the world outside.

Rhysand was almost 300 years older than me, and had even fought in the War before I was born. Needless to say, I was raised in a time of safety—even if it proved to be false later.

We rarely visited Hewn City, it was a scary place, and my mother believed it wasn't right for a child to be raised there.

I'm not sure if my father agreed, but he didn't drag her back when we escaped to the Mountains or Velaris.

He visited often, but his presence was like the wind outside—cold. I'm sure he loved my mother, in his own way, but being a High Lord would always come before his duties as a father.

I wasn't fond of the snow, or the outside for that matter. I preferred days of drawing, reading books by a large, crackling fire, and playing music.

My mother would sometimes join me, other times, she would practice needlepoint or sew a new dress.

Every time she made one for me, I felt like a true princess. Her smile would radiate joy around us, and she gave me the childhood she never had.

She swore me to secrecy every time she made a dress for Rhysand's future mate, saying it was a surprise. Rhys already knew, but my mother liked her fun.

I had to remember it wasn't just my home too, but also to my brother's friends, Azriel and Cassian.

I can barely recall the first time I really remember them. Rhys says that he was right there after my mother gave birth, and that Cassian and Azriel saw me before my father did.

My father had his Heir, his Spare was irrelevant. A show of power.

But I was shy, and hated meeting new people. Especially my father's friends.

So when loud knocks revolved from the doors, I ran into the kitchen, where my mother was making dinner.

"It's fine, Carina. It's just your brother's friends, back from their mission. We shouldn't leave them in the cold." She said, folding her wings behind her, and walking towards the front of the Cabin.

I watched her leave, and stayed in the kitchen, avoiding whoever was at the door.

The door opened, and two men walked it. I peaked around the walls, seeing two large Illyrians. I want scared, until I started to count the number of siphons around their bodies. Seven red, and seven blue.

I ducked further behind the walls, and whisked my brother would come home. He'd bring me gifts from wherever he was visited, and played with me past my bedtime.

"Rhea, it's been too long," the shorter one speaks. He gives Mother a hug, and it only lasts a few seconds.

"I'm glad you're back home safe," she says, and the one covered in blue siphons and shadows nods.

"Where's the little one?" The red siphoned warrior asked, and my mother shook her head.

"Forgive me, she's being shy. Carina!" She calls after me, "Come here and say hello."

I shied behind my mother, hiding in the swathes of her blue dress.

She pushes me in front of her. "Carina, this is Azriel and Cassian. Your brother's friends. You remember them, don't you?"

I nodded slowly, and hid behind my wings. I had just stopped dragging them on the ground, and I could glide through the air, but I hadn't mastered flying yet.

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