Max and the mouse

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Once upon a time there was a little boy named Max. Max was a curious boy who was always looking for adventures. One day, while Max was playing in his garden, he heard a noise coming from the bushes. Curious as he was, he looked to see what it could be

To his surprise, he found a little mouse lost in the bushes. The mouse was trembling with fear and didn't seem to be moving. Max knew he had to help. He carefully took the mouse in the palm of his hand and carried it into the house.

Once in the kitchen, Max grabbed a bowl and filled it with a few crumbs from his breakfast sandwich. The little mouse seemed to recover and began nibbling the crumbs.Max was so glad that he had rescued the mouse. He decided to give her a new home. He built a little house out of an old shoebox, put some scraps of cloth inside and carefully placed the mouse inside.

The mouse seemed comfortable in its new home and began to run around and explore. Max was so happy to be able to give the little mouse a new life.In the days and weeks that followed, Max visited the mouse in her home every day. He brought her food and water and spent hours keeping her company. The mouse seemed to become more and more attached to Max and became his loyal friend.

One day when Max visited the mouse, he noticed that she was no longer alone. The little mouse had given birth to five little baby mice. Max was so happy and excited that he welcomed the little mice with open arms.

Over the next few weeks, Max lovingly cared for the mouse and her babies. He gave them food and water and played with them. The little baby mice grew quickly and began to explore.One day, Max decided it was time to release the mice into the wild. He packed the shoebox and took it to the garden. Carefully, he opened the box and released the mice.The mice ran and played around the garden and seemed happier than ever. Max was so happy that he was able to help the little mouse and her babies start a new life in freedom.From that day on, Max regularly visited the mice in the garden and spent hours keeping them company. He was happy that he could help them, and the mice were happy to have a friend like Max.

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