No places like home

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Shura's POV:

The rest of the drive home was fairly silent. The boys having fueled up on some fast food. I could tell Rin was heavily enjoying his burger, having been sheltered from such things for almost a month. I'd have to keep in mind his favorite foods, especially if I wanted to get on his good side. Maybe I should confide in Yukio, his twin would have a few suggestions.

We made it to the academy, and by the time we entered the dorm, it was far past nightfall. Sitting in the car the past few hours had my ass numb and eyes tired. The mental exhaustion of today only compounding the stress of the situation itself. Yet, I fought against my sore joints and straightened my posture. We were just up the stairs, their dorm room only several feet down the hall. I drew in a deep breath and slowed my pace before coming to a halt. I heard the footsteps from behind die out just after and took it as my cue to turn around.

Both boys were giving me curious looks, with varying colors of greens and blues piercing through my body. Their appearances sent me back in time, to an age where I was much smaller. When I'd first met their mother, but I had only known her for a brief period of time. I'll admit that at that point in my life, I was one hellfire of a child. My memories were hazy of her, but looking at the striking resemblance to her children, I was suddenly struck with emotion.

These boys, I held no blood relation to them. However, they were the closest thing I had to a family. I was much younger than them when my world was in utter chaos. I had no guidance, no parents, no drive; other than survival. And then I met Shiro. The closest thing to a father I'd ever had. And for them, he was their father. He'd been ripped away, and worlds were shattered. Memories were ripped apart, lies uncovered, relationships tarnished, and two lives forever changed as his casket was lowered into the ground. Just how much trauma do these two children bear? What memories haunt them when they close their eyes? Have the events of that night scarred them so deeply into silence or have their minds tried to black out that night entirely out of necessity?

"Shura?" Yukio's soft tone snapped me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times before leveling my gaze with the two teens before me. They exchanged glances before my teal eyed subordinate spoke once again. "You good? You were gonna say something before going comatose on us..."

I shook my head and cleared my throat, readying my thoughts. "It was nothing." I stated. Rin hummed in response, unconvinced. I decided to ignore him. "I have some rules that need to be clarified." I met both of their gazes, with an understanding that this was a serious conversation to be had. "Like I said earlier, I'll be staying in the dorm until further notice. But that's not all that will change." I turned and walked over to the their room, opening the door before returning to face them. "No doors are to be locked from here on out.  I'd actually prefer it if you kept doors slightly ajar; that way I don't have to investigate."

"What if I need to shit?" Rin chimed, a snarky expression crossing his features.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes. "You can close the door, but like I said, don't lock it." He waved me off, and I continued my lecture. "I'll handle the cooking and cleaning from now on as well. You both have better things to focus on and have no need to worry about that kind of stuff."

It was only halfway through my last sentence when Rin raised his hand. I quirked an eyebrow and nodded my head, allowing him to speak. "It's not like I worry about cooking. I genuinely like doing it." He started, "I thank you for volunteering to clean, but I can still cook if you want."

I shook my head, and his expression fell. "Maybe at some point in the future, but as of right now. No cooking, no cleaning, got it?"

He shook his head, his messy hair swaying with the movement. "Why? Is it because of the knives?" He pressed, and I heard the slight edge in his voice. "I'll let you know that kitchen knives are super clunky. It's not like I'm gonna hide one under my bed and use it. It's not my first choice." A small laugh escaped him, but the sound was grated, presenting itself as a challenge rather than a chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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