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Shura's POV:

I sat in my practice room, alone. I had been the only one to walk through it's doors for over a month now. No raven haired martyr came to fuck up my day. No arrogant chicken to berate me for god knows what. Simple loneliness. There were many times in my life that I'd felt alone, but I'd been alright with my isolation. This situation wasn't the same. Not only was I alone, but I felt completely helpless to those around me. Even when Shiro died, I held myself together, reminded myself of my purpose, and continued on. But what was my purpose right now? It felt like a lot of sitting and waiting for orders. Orders that haven't come in about a week. I believe others have noticed my skills lacking as of lately, my mind has been preoccupied elsewhere. So now I'm on temporary leave. Wouldn't want a liability out on the field, I guess.

I sighed and rubbed my face. A new habit I've come to realize. My eyes always itched and my hands needed something to do, so I sat and rubbed my face for a minute or so, my hands were small but calloused, and the texture caused a lot of friction to the sensitive skin of my cheeks and eyes. I was going to look decades older by the time this was done.

If it was ever done.

I sighed and let my mind drift off to events that lead us here.


2 weeks ago

"Ms. Kirigakure. I'm terribly sorry that we have to meet on these terms." I set my gaze to the green eyes of the psychologist before me. Rin's psychologist to be exact. Next to her was a tall, slender man who was one of the doctor's in charge of the ward Rin was in. I waved them off and tried to relax into my seat. Thoughts of Rin and Yukio flashed in my mind, but I pushed them back. Yukio could handle his brother. He knew him better than anyone else, and I sorta doubted Rin would do anything drastic while his sibling was present. "Ms. Kirigakure," she stated again, and I pulled myself from my musings. "It's come to our attention that Rin has smuggled a weapon onto the property. Now, normally this would be cause for a transfer to a different facility." Her green eyes wandered for a second, and I saw something flash behind them, and emotion I couldn't quite place. "However, we realize we failed as a provider. His bags weren't checked throughly, and the nurse's have a strict set of rules they must follow. Patients have a fifteen minute limit on showers. It appears as though our staff was lacking and gave him more time than allowed." He gaze straightened back to mine, a resolve solidifying inside. "Don't worry, Ms. Kirigakure, disciplinary action will be taken."

"No." I stated flatly. "Please do not do that." I sighed and reached to rub my face, the stress creating a fissure in my mental state. "I've already spoken with the nurse. She understands she did wrong. But I don't blame her for bending the rules a little. Apparently, Rin had an altercation with another patient and just needed time to calm down. He's just a teenager, and he's stressed, I'd give him time too."

Finally, the man spoke up. "We've already received a full report and fully understand the situation, Ms. Kirigakure. Please note that these are strict policies, and had our staff followed guidelines, your son wouldn't be in the shape he is now. Action will be taken."

I blinked in surprise; my son? Surely they've read his chart. They would've known I'm only a temporary guardian. Hell, I'm not even that. I only have medical rights to decision's pertaining to Rin. It was something conjured up the night he was admitted. I don't have the same right's with Yukio, however. I didn't bother correct them, seeing as how they'd moved on to the next topic.

"Because we failed to protect Rin, we've decided to give him a second chance. His belongings and room have been throughly searched and no other condemning items have been found. We did find a small hole in the lining of his bag, and believe that's where he may have hid the razor." She cleared her throat and sat a little straighter in her chair. "This is a huge concern, ma'am. And if something like this happens again, we would be forced to remove Rin from the premises - for the safety of all other patients."

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