part 7.

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Macy Pov :
I wake up and it's about 6am, breakfast is in an hour or so then training at 9 . Georgia is currently sleeping next to me and Layla in the other bed, I just go on my phone until they wake up and Georgia wakes up like 5 minutes later.
"Morning" she mumbles into my side
"Morning g, good sleep?" I question
"Mhmm what times it?" She asks
"6 past 6, breakfast is at 7 and training at 9" I answer
"Okay I'm going in the shower" she says then gives me a kiss and I go wake up Layla
"Lay come on wake up" i whisper
"Piss off may may" she growls. Deary me.
"Woah language missy and what's with the attitude woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something" I giggle
"Not funny may and you woke me up" she grumbles
"Okay not funny and I only woke you up because breakfast is soon and you need to get ready" i say
"Okay you pick my clothes please" she asks yawning
"Okay sleepy head" I chuckle and I pick out her baby pink Nike tech tracksuit with white air forces I got her yesterday
"Thank may may" she smile and she goes and gets ready. Georgia comes out the shower and hugs me from behind.
"You okay darling?" She asks
"More than okay, are you?" I smile and turn to look at her
"More than okay" she replies with a smile and kisses me
"Get a room, ewwww" Layla interrupts and we both laugh
"Right I'm going in the shower" i tell them and Georgia cheek.

*skip to breakfast"
Im sitting at my usual table and Layla is sitting on my lap eating her pancakes and I'm chatting with the girls when Sarina walks up to our table.
"Macy someone is here to see you and Layla they're at my office just go in" she says and I nod "just come straight to training after it"
"Will do Sarina" i say and she leaves "right lay come on we got a human to see"
"Let's go may may" she says jumping off me and kiss g on the cheek and run off after Layla "imagine it's Shrek"
"Ooo good thinking lay imagine it's papa pig" i reply, making the girls laugh
"May may dont be stupid Pepe pig is fake" she chuckles
"And Shrek isn't" I shrug
"Kiddo she is 6" Lucy shouts and I put my thumbs up and make our way to Sarinas office. Once we open the door to a women and near they're 40s
"Hello I'm macy" i shake they're hands
"Hello no need for the introduction" the man says "anyway I'm coral, Laylas auntie" the woman says
"You're auntie coral?" Layla questions "and you're uncle Matthew"
"Yeah we are and we're gonna take you to you're new home" the man says. Ehhh what.
"But I stay with may may" she says her and squeezing mine
"For now but you're come back with us to Madrid but we can go see macy at some games" coral says
"Is that okay macy?" Matthew ask
"Yeah, yeah ehh I'll go pack her bag" i say holding back tears
"I come help may may" layla says and we walk out to our room "im gonna miss you may"
"I'm gonna miss you too kid" i say and unlock the bedroom door, we start packing we ends up being a tickle competition "right lay ready to go"
"Can I say bye to the girls" she pouts and I look at the time
"Sorry kid but they'll be in training" i say
"Okay I phone and say bye over da phone" she says gives me a hug "i wuv you may may"
"I love you too hija" I say both of us with tears "you promise me that when your in Madrid you give football all you've got and remember your dad is watching and the proudest up there"
"I will i promise" she mumbles crying
"Don't cry kid I'll see you soon okay?" I say wiping her tears away
"Tell the girls I will miss them and James too" she says and I chuckle
"I will do hija you behave for your auntie and uncle yeah?"I say and go back in the office where coral and Matthew are
"Everything ready?" Coral smiles
"Yeah ehh can one of your numbers so I can keep in touch" I ask and I exchange numbers with Matthew
"Thank you for looking after her and her dad, David told me so much about what you done for her so thank you" coral says
"No worries I know what it's like for her and she's an absolute gem honestly, everyone loves her here"i say and we walk out and Rach run into the lobby
"Ohh hey where you of too sis?" She asks
"No where Layla is leaving and going to live with her auntie and uncle in Madrid" i say and sadly smile
"Oh well then come give Rach a hug wee one" and Layla runs into her arms
"I'm gonna miss you rachy and all the girls even James" Layla says still crying
"And we're gonna miss you too even James" Rach chuckles "you be good, trouble"
"I will rachy" she says and gets out her arms, then walks to her auntie holding her hand making her way to the car "bye Rach, bye may may i wuv you"
"Bye kiddo" Rach says
"Bye hija I love you too" i say with tears down my cheeks and she comes running back at me hugs me tightly "hija you gotta go"
"Yeah I know but I gonna miss you" she sobs
"And iam too but your auntie and uncle are gonna look after you now and your gonna become the best keeper ever" i say and she smiles
"Not better than you, no one can" she smiles and runs back to the car and it drives away
"Well that was a suprise and a half" Rach says
"I know she wasn't meant to go yet" i say and wipe my tears "anyway what are you doing here? Training?"
"Forgot my shinnys" Rach says and I chuckle
"Not surprised I'll come with you cause I can't go to training yet" i say and we go to her room

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