Part 1: I should start at the beginning

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I always wondered what was in them, y'know. When some kids couldn't sleep, they read or watched stupid videos until they drifted off. Me? I wondered what was in the hallway. I spent many a bored night thinking of the most terrible monsters, horrifically twisted people or beasts that roamed the corridor. It's been quite the disappointment to discover that there's nothing.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning. That's what biographers are always told right? Give a baseline for whatever story you want to tell.

I 'll start by introducing myself then. My name is Alex Mckeever and I see an infinite corridor sometimes. I'll be visiting a school, checking out a book in a public library or just be walking down the street, turn my head and in the place of the old path leading off to another room will be the corridor. My, corridor.

It always takes on the look of the supplanted corridor, whether that be the carpeted stairs of a balcony, or the white sterilized corridors of a hospital, right down to stains on the floor or the scraped paint on the walls. I've only ever really noticed two differences; that all the doors that should be in the corridor are gone and two, that it goes on forever. Well, I say forever, but I don't know. I suppose there could be an ending eventually, a door at the end of the corridor. For some reason thought, that feels wrong to me. Like it's not allowed. Like it would break a rule.

I don't remember when I first saw the corridor. Strange, isn't it? The thing that defines my life, the thing that makes me unique, the thing that makes me special and I can't remember when it first happened.

I can remember, however, one of my first encounters with it. I was about eleven years old and in my school's bathroom.

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