Chapter Eight

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"How is it? To be Queen! Is it a dream you never thought possible?" The King was now just a metre in front of her and Alison nodded.

"You can't relax though, my son isn't dumb, you must always keep him under wraps!" The King walked one more step towards her and Alison bowed her head, feeling his hand then on top of her head.

Don't touch me! Oh, how she wished she could scream these words but...She did not act out anything that she so dearly wanted to and just stayed there...

"You know how easy it is to get rid of you? You know that your life, and even that of your children's lives are on the line, so...I suggest, little thief, that you just do as you are told..."

Shivering slightly to the King's words and touch, Alison didn't know how she held in her anger.

This man killed her family, destroyed her home, stole from them what was there's and now wants her to do his bidding, no questions asked!

"Has he happened to tell you what he likes about you?" The King asked.

Alison shook her head after a moment, even if she did know she didn't want to tell him! "No, Your Majesty."

"Mmm, I suggest you find out so that you can keep it up." The King stated.

Alison continued to bow, as the King ranted some more and then left, leaving her breathing heavily.

Was the Prince really going to make that man leave the throne?

Holding onto her chest, Alison squeezed her eyes shut and wondered what to do. What type of predicament was this! How does she get released from it!?

Falling to the floor, Alison continued to hold onto her chest, like it might fall out if she didn't...

What do I do? She continued to ask herself.

She felt like she was torn, she wanted to trust and help the Prince with anything he wanted but on the other hand, something filled with anger...How could she want to help the Prince, the son of the man who killed her family!?


The Prince could hardly sleep that night, there was just way too much going through his head!

Plans, actions, ideas...Alison...

He needed to think ahead, think of how they would act or deal with something. He needed to make sure that he did things that wouldn't get them into trouble but get the King in trouble instead...It was...A mess....

Then, there was Alison. Clearly, she was still not trusting him a hundred percent. She might still be working with the advisor too...He knew all too well that she was a thief after all, so perhaps she could lie or act easily against him...

As much as he wanted her to be on his side, he still had to keep in mind that she may not be as well...

What made him feel pathetic though, was that he didn't care if she was not on his side. If she were to make things harder for him, to make things go backwards, to take more time...It felt like he could deal with it...

What was wrong with him?

It's like he couldn't live without her back chatting and her thieving ways! Was he going crazy!?

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