Chapter Three

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Thieves were very adaptive...Is what Alison had turned to think about thieves. They can scout out a place before going somewhere to steal but then again, they also don't really need to scout out the place if they don't want to. Most of the fun for a thief is finding what you want, getting it and getting out of the place and not getting caught! It wasn't really a job...It was...Fun! Fair enough thieves have to buy food and all that but still, the 'stealing' part was something that the thieves that Alison knew found to be entertaining, something that they looked forward too!

The other two thieves hadn't scouted the palace but...Alison had spent a bit of time mapping it out.

If she didn't have a deep, emotional reason to come here, where it was something she felt like her life was in need to do, she might not have bothered to scout out the palace but...It did make things easier...Just, instead, it was a bit more boring...

The library was obviously just for show, she really was going to go to the King's chambers, but, since she already knew another thief was going there, she was just going to wait until he was done, then go there afterwards.

Having to hide behind a curtain, waiting for a guard to walk past, Alison continued down a path, then another two paths and then hid in among some doors, as another guard came.

"...Seems a bit weird."

Alison widened her eyes as she felt surrounded. This voice was from the other side of her, while the guard still had to walk past her.

"It is only normal, Princess."

Oh, it's the Princess? That's right, she was getting married or something soon. There had been a huge event, about a ring and all...There probably was very little people that didn't know about Princess Bethany and her new engagement.

"Does Cid know about this too then?" The Princess asked, just as the guard walked past. Alison held her breath, hoping against hope that the guard wouldn't stop here.

"Of course, it's his duty as a future husband, Princess."

"Duty as a husband..."

Alison smiled at the Princess's voice, it sounded like she didn't believe in her maid.

"I thought..."

The Princess kept talking but Alison was gone.

Now in the library, with time to spare, Alison looks around.

She did bring a bag with her, so she could take items away if she wished to, but...She was waiting to go to the King's quarters for that!

Looking around, making sure that dusk was not on the horizon, Alison wondered if it would be worth checking an area that was locked up and in the corner of the library, well at least the door was in the corner...

Wouldn't hurt, she thought, and besides, she had more time to spare.

Being as quiet as possible, Alison unlocked the lock with a specific thieving tool and put the lock aside.

Walking into the smaller part of another type of library, Alison sighed and frowned...

How much stuff do they have to lock up?

Were there dirty secrets in here or something?

Picking up a random book, Alison skimmed through it and found that this area seemed to be the King's logs. It wasn't actually written by the King himself it was written by his most trusted servants.

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