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Angel sets down her sled, the hill below is smooth, covered in a thick layer of snow. There are a few evergreen trees scattered around, which are home to singing robins. The hill is beautiful, but it is also very, very steep.

"This feels dangerous," I say, picking my already short nails.

Angel flashes a dumb smile, "It is! But what's life without a little danger?"

"Safe!" I answer exasperatedly.

Angel blows a raspberry, "You're so boring!"

Angel begins getting on her plastic sled, which is an obnoxious shade of red; it's made for two people, but there's no way in hell I'm going on that thing.

"Push me, Carmen!" Angel says, white snowflakes are gathering in her thick, strawberry blonde hair.

I shake my head, "No way, what if I slip and go down with you? That's a mild concussion at best."

"Don't be a scaredy-cat, Carmen!" Angel says.

I take a step back, "Actually, I'm quite happy being a scaredy-cat."

"Carmennn," Angel sings. I sigh, she's not going to let this up. I walk up to her and put my hands on her back.

"Okay... one, two, three!" I count, when I get to three I shove Angel, propelling her down the hill. I watch and Angel's sled spins in circles, it even lifts off the ground at certain points. While all this is happening, Angel is screaming happily. After about ten seconds, Angel reaches the base of the hill, where her sled flips over with her in it.

"Are you okay!?" I shout down the hill, Angel smiles and gives me a thumbs up, even though her face and clothes are covered in snow.

Angel climbs back up the hill with her sled behind her. Her round face is red, her clothes are wet, and her hair is messy.

"That was amazing!" she exclaims.

I brush snow off of her chest and fix her hair, "Sure it was."

"I'm gonna do it again! And you're coming with me this time!"

"Absolutely not, Angel," I respond.

"Absolutely yes!" She says, grabbing me by the hand. Before I know it, I'm on the back of a sled, looking down at the back of Angel's head.

I sigh, "I hate you, Angel."

"I love you too!" Angel responds, looking back at me with her black eyes.

Then, Angel kicks off the ground. The ground begins whizzing past us; Angel screams in delight, while I scream in terror. I wrap my arms around Angel's waist and bury my head in her back, today is the day I die. There's a sudden bump, and the sled flips over. I shriek, but the landing doesn't hurt that much, although that might be thanks to the fact that I landed across Angel's stomach.

"Woah," I say.

My face is cold, but a smile forms on my face. Simultaneously, Angel I begin to laugh. We laugh so hard tears form in our eyes and we begin coughing. My stomach hurts, but it's a good type of hurt.

"You're insane, Angel,"

"Says you!"

Sledding (Quick Writing Practice)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant