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"And these are the showers." Magnet just started showing me around 5 mins ago. This place is huge. "Do we have a school or anything like that," I asked. He responded back with a smile "Nope, not at all. I always hated school."(Bold is Stefani talking and regular is Magnet.I know im lazy lol)

"I only hated school cause of the people. If people were funny and it was a vibe then it ok but otherwise it suckkkked." "Damn, I just hate having to think hard. I don't remember your name chica. Tell me." "Stefani, but u can call me Steph if you want. I think you're secretly smart." "Oh really, why?" "Cause of you're megamind ass forehead.Probably holding the secrets of the universe in that thing." "Damn, I see how it is." (end of the long ass dialogue for now) 

All of the sudden he starts tickling me like a weirdo. "Bro stoppp," I said while laughing. You can legit say you're gonna tickle me and I laugh. Im that ticklish. "I'm not gonna stop until you say sorry," he said laughing. We are both laughing at this point. Other people around are staring but I don't care. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said. He stopped tickling me but I couldn't stop laughing. Then we made that kind of eye contact where you know something is going to happen but you're waiting for him to take control.

He's staring into my soul. He moves some hair away from my face and then kisses me. I kiss back. The butterflies in my stomach are crazy. He pulls away but I want more. But we keep walking. "Sooo, this is the rec room."

A/N: I keep finding old chapters I wrote. 13 year me is mad cringey. Guess who just failed her mid-term today.

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