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Laxus grunted in annoyance as he blasted the bandits away with his magic. They're currently by the borders of the Northern Continent. The third piece was gone, or Lucy didn't remember what it was. Her memories were hazy of what the piece looked like.

“Nothing?” He asked his girlfriend, her real identity was a shock, but now; it wasn't when they fought together. Seeing her with blood wasn't as much of a shock as he wanted it to be. She was oddly attractive during those too.

Lucy frowned, glaring at the supposed place where the piece is, “I remember,”

Wind blew, making her long golden hair sway with the wind as she turns around and looked at him, “We have to go dimension traveling,”

“Dimension traveling?” He repeated the last words, “Why?”

“It manifested,” She vaguely said, as she took his hand and dragged him back to their small home. It was the Heart Cottage, it was one of the Heartfilia Family's many homes. It was just fortunate that they have one near the third piece, but the piece was missing.

He sighed as he watched his girlfriend fuss over his injuries, but he smiled nonetheless, it was amazing to know that he has a woman who loves him unconditionally.


Lucy frowned as she stared at the innocent looking white stick in her hand. There was a pink plus sign.

She had her suspicions, but she didn't think that was true. With one of her spirits, she still could use magic to supply the baby. But injuries or any bodily harm is bad.

Lucy went out of the bathroom, Laxus was by their bed, looking worried.

“What is it? You've been sick for three weeks now,” He fussed, and looked her over.

“Laxus..” She whispered, then grinned at him. She jumped in his arms in excitement.

Laxus caught her and looked down on her, his eyebrows narrowing in confusion and concern. Lucy eagerly gave him the white stick.

Laxus looked at the stick in shock then back at her, then back to the stick, then back to her, “I-is this real?”

Lucy nodded, her eyes were watering, “Yeah,”

“You and I..”

“Uhuh,” She nodded again. Laxus was elated and kissed her. When they both pulled away.

“We're gonna be parents,”

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Mirajane blinked at the white envelope that has arrived. It was addressed to the master.

“Master,” Makarov looked at her. Mira presented the letter. She was quite surprised to see the old master to elated to see a letter addressed to him.

He stared at the letter hard, then stood up on the bar table, “Listen up!”

Everyone looked at him, stopped whatever they were doing. He scanned each of their faces, “I am quite disappointed in all of you,”

Everyone was baffled, what did they do? They looked at one another and whispered among themselves.

“I see you haven't realized that two people in this guild has been gone,” He frowned.

“Two? You mean Laxus and Gildarts?” One of them asked.

“No, yer a bunch of idiots,” Gajeel scoffed near the Master, “He meant Lucy and Laxus,”

That caused some reactions. Lucy? Now that they remember. Oh dear.. They're horrible.

“I assumed you met them?” Makarov turned to the Iron Dragon Slayer.

“Bunny Girl kicked my ass when we met,” Gajeel smirked, “But she's doing well, she did mention to tell you that you can read it out loud whatever the hell it meant,”

Makarov nodded and looked back to the rest of the guild, “For eight months, all of you have neglected one of your own. And for that Lucy has left the guild,”

There were horrified gasped, moreso from the team. Their eyes were widen in shock.

“But she still has our mark,” There were sighs of relief, “She is still a member of this guild, just on a journey to gain back her health that has declined more than 3 months ago,”

“S-she went to Porlyusica-san, right?” Wendy timidly asked.

“She did,” Makarov nodded, “And so far, they're not even close to half of their journey,”

“Laxus accompanied her?” Freed asked.

“Laxus insisted,” He huffed and presented the letter, “This letter is from both of them, and they have allowed to get this read out loud,”

He opened the letter as they wait for the master to read it.

Dear Gramps,

It's me Laxus, Lucy can't write to you right now. So she told me to send you one.

Lucy remembers the third piece, she says that we have to go dimension traveling for that one. So by the time you are reading this, we are leaving Earthland to look for it.

“What?” Gray asked confused, “I thought that the anima was destroyed?”

There's one big news I have to tell you. Lucy and I are expecting. She's three weeks long.

“WHAT?!” Makarov exclaimed in happiness and the guild in shock.

We'll try to send letters even dimensions away. Lucy's smart, and I'll help.

So see you around, hope you take care of yourself.


Everyone was quiet. Unsure of what to say, their negligence of their own member pushed her away from them. They just hoped that once they come home, they'll be able to show how sorry they were.


“It's still trippy of how there's a literal dimension hopper magic and no one knew,” Laxus mused quietly.

“Because I made it,” She shrugged as they stepped through the portal, following the magic signature of the third piece.

They have arrived quickly in this dimension. The place the couple are in is called The Godric's Hollow. It was said that The Hollow was quaint. There was a small road with identical dwellings on either side of it. The village's center, marked by streetlights, was the village square. A small church and the village cemetery were also there.

But the couple weren't there for sightseeing. Laxus and Lucy were both wearing black hooded cloak. Laxus let Lucy lead as they went towards a ruined cottage house. From the feeling of magic, it was about 14 years old, the death magic that lingers here.

Lucy took one step into the property, and was greeted with the information she needed.

She took a deep breath and entered. The remnants of the piece is still here. Just shattered.

Laxus stood back when Lucy raised both of her hands, the magic particles were glowing around her. It went on for five minutes then it stopped.

Lucy sighed and looked at her boyfriend, “We have to go to this place called Hogwarts,”

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