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Pharaoh woke on his first day back at Hogwarts with an odd feeling. A feeling that this was going to be a very bad year. Call it premonition, or a feeling, or just paranoia, he dreaded starting this year. Nevertheless, he got up and dressed for breakfast in the great hall. His first class was Potions with his mother, sister, and brother. Groaning at the long day with his family ahead, he started out into the grand staircase. 

"Pharaoh, wait." His sister called as he stepped one foot in the corridor. He looked back at his black curly haired sister with her hooked nose. She refused to let their mother fix it, saying if their father can go through school with it the Snape nose then she can too. He had the brown curly hair and pale skin of their father while she graced with the pretty tan skin. Lucky little maggot. 

"Eileen," he greeted, moving for a couple of second years. She grinned and hugged him. 

He rolled his eyes and hugged her back, earning a laugh from a Hufflepuff sixth year passing. He growled low at him, forcing him to move along a little faster. "How'd you sleep, maggot?" He asked as they set off. 

Eileen sighed. She loved the little nicknames Pharaoh had for her sometimes. Other times, she could do without. Maggot was one that was an annoyingly endearing nicknames she could leave behind. "Good, I've made a friend already."

"Then why aren't you walking with them?" Leave me in peace. She looked sheepish. "I wanted to walk down with you the first time."

Thankfully, once they got to the Great Hall, Eileen disappeared, leaving Pharaoh to find his friends. Even the nice breakfast with his friends couldn't deter him from the eyes that seemed to follow his every move for food from the teachers table. Three other Snape/Granger children, two of whom are here at this school and they had to focus on the one that didn't want attention. 

After breakfast he started towards the dungeons where potions were held. He was stopped by Professor Humbleton, a tall slimy man that was the nicest professor ever. He smiled at Pharaoh and stated, "I look forward to teaching you this year in arthimacy." Pharaoh smiled softly and said good day, then ran into professors Fraut and Sungor for two other classes. After saying good day to each, he practically ran to class. 

He was the first there, not even his mother was there. It gave him the perfect opportunity to relax for the first time this morning. "Pharaoh, you're hear very early. Class doesn't start for another 30 minutes." His mother had finally entered. 

"They're pressuring me already. Two other snape/grangers here and they still have their claws in me." He fiddled with his quill, lost in thought. Hermione looked at her son with sad eyes. She would have to have a talk with Professor McGonagal about this. She let him alone and set everything up for class, while giving him something to work on at the same time. Pharaoh was loving the time to himself and learning things from his mother. 


This is a filler episode while i figure out where its going. I hope you like it. 

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