The Start of Term

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Pharaoh Snape was less that excited about going back to school this year. Two out of three of his siblings were going to school also, with his parents already working there, it felt like he couldn't get away from them. Sometimes he just wanted to be away from it all. The constant looks from everyone thinking that he will the next minister being the spawn of Severus and Hermione. He was supposedly a child prodigy that caused all the fuss of him taking more classes as soon as he got sorted into Ravenclaw by the other teachers. 

Thankfully his parents told the teachers to let him alone and let him be a child. He was grateful for his parents for stopping the pressure for a while, but as soon as they were able to choose their extra classes, all the teachers sent him workbooks to bribe him. He decided to take Arithmancy, Muggles Studies, and Care of Magical Creatures. It made all the teachers so excited because apparently that was just what was needed for becoming a minister. 

What if he didn't want to be minister? What if he just wanted to be him? Not what the world wanted him to be. "Pharaoh, you alright?" Hermione walked up to him on the train. She loved riding with the students, reminding her of her youth. 

He jumped at the sound of his mother's voice. She still looked so pretty, he wondered how his dad ever got his mom. She seemed too good for him. His long black hair was put back into a bun, and he could feel his mothers brown eyes staring at it. He refused to let her cut it. "Yeah, just thinking."

Hermione motioned to a seat across from him. It wasn't like him to be alone. He was usually accompanied by James, and young Fred and George, who were just like their fathers. Their group was bigger now though, since  the younger siblings and Tyler Dursley had finally started and caught up with the help of Hermione herself. The brightest witch of her age still had it in her to amaze people around her. Pharaoh nodded and she sat down, watching the landscape constantly rush by. 

"Any reason you're alone?" She asked softly. 

It was a moment before he answered. "I'm not wanting to be back. The teachers all think I'm the best of my generation and put too much pressure on me to be better than I already am. Not only that but my whole family minus Toby is here. I can't ever get away from it all."

"You know, Harry felt like he never deserved his fame. As for me, I was named the Brightest Witch of my Age, and I rolled with it. I made sure I knew everything. I kept the boys in line and graduated early, had you, fell for your father, and while I never lived up to what they thought I should have done, I love my life." Hermione smiled. 

"So, the point is, to not care?" Pharaoh asked slowly. Hermione shrugged. "Its what you want to be. If you want to be minister, then let them feed you their cheers. If you don't then, do your best and figure out what you want to do. Don't let them make you, make yourself."

She got up and left Pharaoh to his thoughts for the train ride, making sure the rest of the gang never bothered him. He was the oldest of the whole gang and obviously felt so much pressure to be the best and the father of the group. Once the train had stopped, the first years when to the side to take their traditional boat ride across the lake with Severus instead of Hagrid. Hermione walked ahead to catch a carriage to herself, but Pharaoh jumped in at the last moment. It seemed he'd rather be with her alone than the others. 

Once the rides were over and the teachers including Hermione was at the tables, Pharaoh finally met his Gryffindor group and started putting up walls. They did make him laugh, which was always nice. Tyler got sorted into Slytherin with Loki, Albus, and Scorpius. Eileen got Ravenclaw with Lavender and Ron's son William,  while Lily got Gryffindor with James and the rest of the gang. 

This was going to be a tiring year, thought Pharaoh as he took a glance to the teachers table. All the teachers were looking at him and muttering to themselves. He thought about his mothers advice and chose to ignore it and enjoy spending time with his friends before bed. 

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