Meeting Savanna

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Lavender pillow was three years old and she was in the three day a week preschool program at the community center and she was playing with the dolls in the pretend center of the preschool

"Class we have a new student joining us her name is Savanna Dime and her family just moved her from Maine can we all say hi to her and make her feel welcome?" The teacher asks the class as she was helping Savanna into the classroom that day cause the kids were slowly coming in and lavender was the first person to notice the little girl

Lavender was always the first one there cause of her parents cause they had important jobs that they had to be at in the morning so they would get her up, and Lavender was going to get herself breakfast and her herself ready as well and her parents made her make her bed as well and her parents didn't love her either they treated her like dirt didn't bother getting her any dinner at all, so she ate whatever she could find and that she could reach as well and if she did not have any food she would tell her parents to go to the store to get her food cause she was so little and she could not get on a step stool and reach for the cabinets so she had to keep her food in her play kitchen where it was reachable for her and she was out of lunchabales as well cause those were kept in the fridge for her and her breakfast items were kept in a the cube storage that was in the kitchen area cause she asked to have storage for her breakfast and other items as well that she eats as well cause when she has school she gets up on her own and gets dressed, makes her bed, and then she goes downstairs for breakfast. She picks out what she is in the mood for and makes it if an appliance has to be used she asks for help in that department, and once she has her breakfast she goes and sits down in another room by the tree where her table was and she turned the tree on as she ate all her meals, and she would take the bus to school every morning since her parents hate taking her to school or picking her from school

More will come hopefully if the night is not busy trying to stay ahead of the game due to another audit hot on our heels again or come into a disaster too

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