Road Trip!

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A/N: Before I start, I just want to say that I am NOT some crazy, obsessed justin beiber fan. Im not writing about some random girl who meets jb and they magically fall in love, because that doesn't happen.  I am simply writing this story because it sounded interesting in my head.


"THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES!!!!" My best friend, Taylor gushed as we exited the theater.

"Whatever..." I grumbled, still angry that she forced me to sit through an hour and forty-five minutes of watching Justin Bieber's life as directed by Jon Chu. Ugh.

"You know you loved it, Gabi!!!" Taylor said in a sing-song voice.

"No, I didn't. I would have much rather seen that slasher movie, where these two people start dating, but it turns out that the guy is a psycho maniac, and he goes around and kills her family because then 'no one will keep them from being together'. That sounds like a good movie, not Justin Bieber Never Say Never. Personally, I think that it should be called 'Justin Bieber: Never Sing Ever. It’s Time for You, to Shut Up' That would have been a much more appropriate title." I ranted.

"That sounds awful! Anyways, wouldn't it be cool to be chosen to be the one less lonely girl that goes up on the stage? I would just die!!" She gushed

"Oh yeah. Because being groped by a total stranger sounds like sooo much fun."

"He wasn't groping them!"

"Yes he was, Tay."

"Okay, he was. But if that stranger was Justin Bieber, then that would be my idea of fun!" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I mean, what teenage girl wouldn't want that?" She asked

I pointed to myself.

"Gabi, I don't get why you hate him so much." Taylor said, looking at me.

"I don't hate him. You can't hate someone that you don't know. You can't love them, either."

She looked at me for a few seconds, and then burst out into laughter. It kind of scared me. "Can't love Justin Bieber even if you don’t know him! That’s funny!" She said through laughs.

"It's true." I said, getting into her car

"Sure it is..." She said, giving up because she knew that I wouldn't.

"You have to admit though, he is hot." She said, trying to reason with me

"It depends on who you ask. Personally, I think that the flip thing that he does with his hair is way overrated."

"Well, I think he's hot." She said, exasperated

She pulled up to my house and we said our goodbyes. "See ya at school tomorrow!" I yelled at her from the doorway. It was Thursday, and thankfully, there was only one more day until the weekend. It made me happy to think that I would get to sleep in on Saturday.

Why should I care? Oh, you're Justin Bieber? Yeah, Still don't care.Where stories live. Discover now