Part 15

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They backed up and just started rambling but by this point Takemichi isn't paying attention, all she's worried about is trying not to fall over and black out so she gently puts her daughter down with a wobble "hmm, Mama...are you alright?" She patted her mums leg, everyone falls silent before actually looking at the poor women, to say she looked like death was far from it "mhm, I'm fine hu- uh" her legs slowly give out and she falls to the ground but she never makes it as halfway down to felt something soft so she looks to see Izana's face so close ''s he's chest' she thought "hey Takemichi, hey keep your eyes open for me ok" he stoked her cheek.

Within second her eyes are closed and any tensed up muscles have know gone slack making her look like a beat up doll "MAMA, MAMA" Harumi yelled as she grabbed her mothers hand and shakes it like her life depends on it as tears fall hard down her face. "Child, calm down Takemichi is safe" Mikey spoke as he walked over but it didn't work, she was still crying while trying to wake her knocked out mum. Mikey looked shocked so he grabbed her shoulders and made her look at him "I just said she's safe so calm down" yet again nothing so he's anger was boiling "Mikey back the fuck up ok, I'll deal with this" Izana spoke before gently taking Harumi's hand in he's "Harumi my baby bunny" he spoke making the child look at him.

"I promise your mummy is safe ok, she just needs some rest" he smiles while she stares, trying to look for any bad intentions but all she saw was love in this man's face so she nods and slowly calms down "Woah, how did you do that?" Someone asked, He picked Takemichi up bridle style as Harumi held he's trousers "cause she only trusts me, she promised Takemichi that" he turns to take Takemichi to the Docter "wait, why is it only you?" Baji spat, he sighs "cause the letter she sent wasn't asking for protection for her but her child...." He goes quite "she's a kind as she always was, she didn't care what happened to her as long as her child was safe but I won't hurt her again, I won't" and with that he leaves everyone there shocked.

They get there and place her on the bed "so what seems to be the pr-" their personal doctor stops in her tracks after seeing the state off the women, she sighs "what have I told you guys huh, you need to be carful with these girls they have other people as well- are you gonna help my Mama" a small but sweet voice cuts in so she looks down to see a small child peaking out from behind the man's leg and her eyes widen "omg! Izana you have a kid and it's with this, this hooker" Izana looks down at the mention off him having a child and staring up at him with the cutest face just like her mother so he smiles and rubs her head "yeah, yeah I do and she's she sweetest little bunny in the world" this makes her giggle and smile before he looks at the women "and second she's no hooker, that's actually the famous model Takemichi Hanagaki" this makes the women wobble so hard she had to hold onto her desk "no way, I love her wait you did this too her. YOU HORRIBLE FUCKING BAS- no no listen Mina it was her abusive baby daddy, we saved her" he explained, so she nodded.

She pushed the two out the room to examine her. It was many hours later and when she opened the door it was nearly the whole gang there well the important people really "uhhh, anyone for Miss. Hanagaki" she spoke and all their heads turned so she figured they were all for her. She let them in and explained the whole thing "ok so first as you can tell by all the cuts and bruises as well as the giant gash in her head that he was brutal in the beating but that's not the worst off it" she looked sadder know making everyone go on edge, she covered the small girls ears "it seems that she was also rapped by him and maybe others since I found different DNA" seconds no not even seconds later a table was thrown across the room by Izana "THAT BASTARD THINKS HE CAN TREAT MY GIRL LIKE THAT, ILL FUCKING SKIN HIM ALIVE" everyone cheers before declaring a world wide execution.

It was days later when she finally woke up and by this time they caught the guy and is holding him hostage in one off their many cells, Harumi has gotten used to everyone but when she asked about how they know her mum they avoided the question. She slowly fluttered her eyes open before sitting up "mmm" she swings her legs over he side before standing and leaving the room, she hears laughter coming from one off the rooms so she walks over and peaks inside. Sitting there in the middle off a massive crowd is Harumi telling everyone a story witch made her smile, she opens the doors and sure enough it was her daughter who noticed her first, her face lit up like Christmas "MAMA" she ran over and nearly full on knocked the women down to the ground.

Everyone stood up with shocked eyes "haha, is my little angel being a good girl" she kneels before hugging her child who nods with a massive smile, Izana is the first to move. He walks over to the women and just stands there, she looks up confused before standing.

He raises a hand and gently cups her cheek and smiles "my little white rose, I'm so happy your ok"

The love off another Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ