Part 12

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Warning I have super long nails on so if I spell anything wrong please don't come at me.


They waisted no time tracking down that no face, bugeyed freak "Boss" one off Mikey's men ran over, Izana and Mikey darted their heads towards the poor guy "uh ha I just wanted to tell you I found him but you won't believe where" they remained "Near the Valhalla base" their faces dropped "we know moron but tell us where the base is" Izana gritted through he's teeth. The guy nodded before telling them where it is, they then noded to each other as a mutual thing to grab their men and meet there in an hour or do. They then parted ways to gather their men and brief them on what's going to happen and to never and they them ever in whatever happens lays a hand on Takemichi, she's there for her and her alone. Everyone agreed cause they love that girl.

A few hours later they all gather a street away from the base "so you ready to get our girl?" Mikey asked, this pissed Izana off "look I don't wanna argue with you right know but get your facts right, shes my girl" he glares at Mikey's gang as well as Emma and Draken "you guys dropped her for something so petty, from what I know you guys are nothing to her" he walks off with hes glaring gang, to say they are pissed at what Mikey and he's friends did is a understatement in the long run, if they could they would most likely beat them up but Takemichi still has a little place in her heart for them, so respect for her they don't lay a finger on them. Mikey sighs "let's go" he follows hes brother with hes very excited gang close behind while Emma and Draken are ready to say sorry to the girl they threw aside.

They all stop outside the base knowing she's inside "KISAKI" they both yell but no response meanwhile on the inside Kisaki hears he's barking and knows he's fucked "crap" he sighs "hmm what's up cuz?" Takemichi walks over with a lollipop in her hand, he looks at her "seems your ex friends and boyfriend are here, they found you and I'm gonna get hella beat for Leo you away from them" he stands ready for whatever is to come but a hand grabs hes shoulder "don't worry I got this" she says before popping the lollipop in her mouth and heading to the door, he watches in shock before turning to Kazutora and Hanma "wht the hell have you been giving her?" Kazutora shrugs while Hanma smiles like a idiot "nothing, just shown her that she's more then she thought she was".

She swings the doors open and walks out to see the two gangs standing together, she doesn't take the lollipop out off her mouth. She just stares at their shocked faces instead. "Takemichi..." Mikey says in a low and surprised voice, still not a word but she does put her hands in her coat pocket and is still sucking on her lollipop "Babe, oh thank god your ok" Izana says in a relieved voice, let's say Takemichi couldn't stand this no more, she stakes her hands out her coat and lollipop out her mouth "don't be pulling that bullshit, we ain't close no more" she says, no cheerful voice witch their used too. It sounds like she has given up "Takemichi come on, it was one mistake" Draken tried to help but whatever people said only made it worse, she threw her lollipop to the side in anger.

"A mistake! Is that what your calling this huh, a mistake!" She basically yells as the Valhalla members listen at the door "YOU DROPPED ME ALL CAUSE THIS BLONDE BITCH BASICALLY SAID SO" she yells while pointing at Emma, Mikey stands in the way off hes sister "No Michi that's not true" "Names Hanagaki to you and it is, she says one word and that's it. You believe anything that comes out her mouth, she could say I slept with someone in your gang and that's it I'm dropped" she try's to keep from yelling so she balls her hands into fists. Emma moves around Mikey to speak but was cut off by the queen herself "and don't get me started on Draken, He knew the whole time I like Mikey but oh where was he when Emma was hanging up on me. He never defended me did he" she spits facts that not even Draken can warm he's way out off.

Mikey stands shocked with the other two while she turns to Izana, he is ready for the grilling "and then there is my lovely ex Izana, who thinks it's ok have sex with me, get with me then ignore me for a week before calling me a slut on our anniversary and ripping the bunny I got him. Real boyfriend like" Kaku and the others were ready for a grilling as well but nothing came witch confused them but it wasn't like they were gonna say anything "so it's seems all off you wanted to fuck me over hun, was that your plan hmm. Oh it's time to fuck little old Takemichi but news flash fuckers it only made me stronger" she crosses her arms "Woah ha Hey baby, come on I was so stressed. You can't blame me for that" Izana walks forward and everyone thought he finally got through to her since she didn't move or anything when he went to put a hand on her cheek.

Well that was until she stepped one step back and in the blink off an eye she was surrounded by three guys, everyone's eyes widen to see who it was, standing behind the girl was Hanma the one they call the zombie (I think, I don't know) while standing infront off her was Kazutora holding something sharp like a mad man while on the other side infront off her was Kisaki, glaring at the poor guy "I suggest you back up, I kept my cuz away from you for a reason" he spits, this angered Izana and he was about to attack until "Touch them and see what happens asshole".

Takemichi has stepped forward and is clearly ready for a fight but all she does is fight with words "fighting you ain't worth it but I do ask you and your horrible ass fucking brother one thing" he nods as Mikey runs over excited.

"Stay the fuck away from me, I don't wanna ever see you again" and with that she turns around and walks back inside with the three men following close behind like bodyguards, leaving a shocked and hurt brothers.

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