The Merger

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NOTE: We are now gonna call Mojo's Assistant Dana Carvey or MD

MD: As you saw on TV, there's an incursion happening. Instead, locals are calling it The Merger between two universes. Mojo has sent me, Dana Carvey, to involuntarily invite you and a guest over to the new universe.

Deadpool: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your chimichangas, Garth. I'm not leaving my family to go to Wayne's World.

MD: It's not a choice, Wade. The fans need to see some character development from you, and the only way that could happen is if you lose your family. Superheroes having a family is an unpopular trope.

Deadpool: Oh, really. Have you seen Endgame? Someone has a family in that movie. In fact, he was literally the main character. I can't remember his name.

(MD clearly gets annoyed and just teleports after his long rant about the character, and Deadpool goes to check on Vanessa and Cher. Cher, too, has left. Where is she? On Mojoworld. The two have a discussion about The Merger)

Deadpool: Let's go, honey. We got a party to crash.

Vanessa: Wade, you should bring someone else.

Deadpool: What do you mean?

Vanessa: He's expecting us. Go with someone who he wouldn't expect.

Deadpool: Well, I guess you're right. I'll be back tomorrow.

Vanessa: Kiss me like you miss me, Red.

Deadpool: Well, come here.

(They share one last kiss before leaving. We get a parody of Go the Distance from Hercules)

(The X-Force meets at X-Mansion to also talk about the Merger. Cable offers to go, but Deadpool says to stay here and lead the team while I'm away. We also get a Thanos joke)

Cable: Who the fuck is Thanos?

Deadpool: Oh, that purple guy who has a ballsack chin, iconic glove. Looks just like you ever heard if him?

(Cable looks to the rest of the team thinking it's one of Wade's rants)

Deadpool: Iconic glove? I know exactly who I'll bring. Someone with a bunch of  Smooth Criminals down under. Someone who would be the greatest showboat.  Someone who is the best there is in what he does but what he does isn't very nice.

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