Chapter 1

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September 11, 2005

“Bella!” Was shouted in a sing-song chirpy tone while the door was slammed open.

Bella groaned awake, luckily not falling off of her bed this time. She had grown used to being woken up in this manner.

“Alice, it’s 6 in the morning. Not just any morning but Sunday morning. You know the day that I’m supposed to sleep in.”

The only response she got was a giggle making her sigh. Bella sat up on her bed and stared into Alice’s bright golden eyes with an annoyed look on her face.

“Well come on. You have to get ready.” Alice finally said.

Bella rolled her eyes. “Ready for what? We aren’t going shopping.”

Alice pouted. “Phewy. But seriously you need to get ready in this outfit so that we can go to my house for your Birthday Party.”

Bella groaned once she realised that there was indeed an outfit on the Pixie sized girls arms.

“I told you that I didn’t want a birthday party.”

“No. You said that you didn’t want a party on your birthday. Today isn’t your birthday so we can have a birthday party today.”

Bella groaned again before getting out of bed.

“And there’s absolutely no way around this?” Bella asked as she grabbed the outfit out of the shorter girl’s arms.

“Absolutely not!”

Bella gave another small groan as she made her way towards the bathroom to put on the outfit.

“But why do I have to get up so early?” Bella said from the bathroom knowing that she didn’t have to shout because Alice could hear her perfectly.

“Because silly, we have a whole day of fun planned. You know that none of us celebrates our birthdays due to either not knowing them or to the fact that we live forever.” Alice heard Bella sigh, she just didn’t understand why Bella didn’t want to celebrate her birthday. “Come on Bella, hurry up. Esme made you some breakfast that she knew you would like.”

At hearing the bribe Bella hurried in the bathroom. Once out she was wearing a black sleeveless thigh length flowy skirt dress that had a bluish gray longsleeve sweater that had the Cheshire Cat’s Smile on it and it was a little big so it went off her shoulders over it. She had on black two inch ballet platform heels that had blue ribbons that were tied around her caves. Her hair was pin straight and the only makeup she had on was blue eyeliner, mascara, and light blue matte lipstick.

Alice squealed and jumped with joy.

“I knew making you walk in heels would pay off.” She said as she hugged the taller girl and let go once she remembered that Bella needed to breathe.

“At least this time I’m wearing something that I actually like.”

Alice huffed at this which made Bella laugh for the first time since she woke up which in turn made Alice smile.

It was late in the day and Bella was at the Cullen’s house. It was almost time for cake and presents. Bella was apprehensive because she really didn’t want to have this party in the first place but Alice organized it anyway.

“You look absolutely stunning, sweetheart.” Esme said with a smile.

Bella returned the smile reluctantly because that’s about the fifth time since she’s gotten there that Esme’s said the same thing. If she was being honest it was starting to get on her nerves and she knew that Jasper could feel it so she was grateful he stepped in.

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