My Beginning

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Chapter 1:

Hello, my name is Ayla and this is my life story, so of course we are going to start at the beginning. My life adventure began the night I was dropped on the property line of the Lunar moon pack when I was just a baby. I was found by one of the warriors and brought to the alpha, where he accepted me into the pack. I was given to Mary, the lone wolf of the pack who never found her mate. I call her Auntie May.

Auntie May has always been strange and thought of as the mysterious crazy lady of the pack. I don't think she is crazy, but I am not sure she is all there either... She always talks in riddles, like the other day she told me, "You are more, just remember you are more and more complete you will be, soon yes soon." Then, she talked about getting lunch later, like she didn't just go crazy again, and when I bring it up all she says is, "Yes, I know." Now that I think about it she might have actually lost her marbles. Okay that is pretty much it about my backstory.

Today is the sixteenth anniversary of being dropped off on the edge of this territory. Also it is my sixteenth birthday. The only reason I know that, is because my wolf told me so. My wolf's name is Artemis, she has a beautiful silver fur coat. But, you did not hear that from me. - Yep... Hi... I'm this, not good at keeping secrets, person's wolf.- Heyyyy!!! -No offense, but it is true.- Whatever. Anyway, the reason it's a secret is because my wolf is different. My wolf has not told me exactly what is different about us, but I do know that I can do some things that normal wolves can definitely not do. I first shifted on my 6th birthday, which is really young.

Ever since I turned I have been able to hear, not only my wolf, but others. They made a promise to the moon goddess not to tell anyone, so that's good. No wolf can break that. I talk to the alpha's wolf sometimes and get updates on what is happening with the pack. He trusts me for some odd reason, but he is a good friend. I talk to almost everyone's wolf in the pack and they all are great friends, but they tell me that their human counterparts don't like me at all. They say that their humans believe that I don't belong in the pack and I am weak. If only they knew. Kara is the only wolf that their human likes me. Her name is Sara Taile. She is the future betas older sister. I don't want to be thought of as any more different than I already am so I go with the secret. Not even Sara knows. She thinks I don't have a wolf, everyone does. The only one who knows the truth is Auntie May. So, I don't go to training, but Auntie May has been teaching me how to fight since I could walk and my wolf is a natural fighter, so I don't really need it.

Anyway, moving on, Today is the day I am supposed to find my mate. I'm really nervous, because I know that it is possible that I could get rejected, because my whole pack thinks that I am weak. I have always wanted to have a real family and truly be a part of a pack, but I was accepted into the pack and not born into it and so the other wolves have never truly accepted me as one of them. It also does not help that they think I do not have a wolf. They think I am weak because I don't go to training and don't have a wolf and whatever. I only have one friend, Sara.

Oh crap, I am going to be late for school... crap crap crap... I got way too caught up in talking about my past. Time for the present.

I rush out of the house and I reach the door Auntie May yells, "REMEMBER!" But, I don't stop to think about what the freak she could be talking about and run all the way to school. Just as I enter my first period class the bell rings and I hear myself sigh in relief. I take my usual seat with Sara and I turn to her as she tells me, "Well that was close." and I respond with my usual, "Ya Ya" and yes this has happened a couple of times before. And in the middle of class I turn to her to hear her ask;

"Happy Birthday, by the way. Have you caught any wonderful smells?"

"Unfortunately No" I say with a frown... -Don't worry he will find us, we will be fine.- I know, I am just worried I won't find him today, even if he will reject me, I can't help but hope. -Even if we don't find him or we get rejected, we will be fine, just look at Auntie May.- That does not make me feel any better. Apparently Sara has been trying to get my attention because the next thing I know is there is a hand in my face.

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