The Comfort and Solace of Nature

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Amidst the mountains and streams,

Where nature's beauty forever gleams.

I find solace and peace of mind,

A comfort that I've always longed to find.

The rustling leaves and the gentle breeze,

The whisper of the wind and the rustling trees.

Nature's symphony that soothes my soul,

A comfort that makes me feel whole.

In the embrace of the open sky,

Where clouds dance and eagles fly.

I feel a sense of calm and peace,

A comfort that will never cease.

For nature's grandeur and majesty,

Bring comfort and solace to me.

A peace that lasts through every night,

A comfort that shines ever so bright.

So let us cherish nature's grace,

And find solace in its warm embrace.

For its beauty and comfort will never depart,

A solace that will forever stay in our heart.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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