chapter 4 ♡

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(Kareems pov)

I woke up with a terrible hangover. Last night after Kaden an I dealt with the business we went to the club and had some drinks ,well alot and let's just say that didn't end well at all.

Today I was planning on going to see kiera . I wanted to know more about her plus I wanted to spend time with her so I was thinking of bringing her out on a lunch date and maybe to the race track .

Time pass****

Walking down the stairs I saw that my brother and sister was already there , Sergio to .

"Someone's in a good mood today "

"Maybe cause he's seeing kiera "

"Who's kiera?"

"Some hot chick he met at the club last night"

"What , where was I when this was taking place ?"

"It's not your business and kaden how the fuck do you know that. "

"You told me that last night when you were drunk asshole."

"First of all it is my business just saying."

Fuck I definitely didn't remember telling Kaden that . I must have been drunk alot .

"Look he doesn't even remember how much he told me that he thinks he has found his first love " Kaden mocks . I stand there in shock after hearing does words . Did I even say that . I think I need to call my mom.

I grabbed my Ice tea and walked out of the room leaving Alessia, Kaden and Sergio there to laugh like the big idiots they are.

I was going to my favorite place of the house . The backyard or like my grandma use to call it the lake yard . It was her favorite place to come before they took her from me . I can still remember how she would make me sit on the grass and I would watch her pick these beautiful flowers for granddad . Then we would go by the lake and watch the sunset .

I would always come here in time for the sunset cause it reminds me of her .


"Nana why do you like these place so much ?"

"Because of the beautiful flowers and the lovely sunset . You know before grandpa and I got married we said some vows here . We had two locks and two keys . We placed our names on them , said some vows then we interlocked them and threw them in this lake under the sunset ."

"Nana what were yall vows ?"

"Through every war and every battle . Through every sweat and every bomb.
Through every knife and every bullet .
Through every enemy and every mafia
That comes between us , we shall never be apart until death do us part ."

"I wish to be like u and papa one day ."

"And u will my sweet baby boy and when you do if I'm not here physically. I will come back as one of these ." She points at the sunset .

*flashback over.*

I promise myself that one day I will kill the person that took my most important people away from me . The person who killed my Nana and papa . And even if I'm yet to get them after 6 years now . I will ,even if I take my last breathe whiles doing it .

I can never forget the day I came home to see the disaster that happen in my home . The day that I ran upset hoping to see my Nana, hoping to see that she was ok that she was doing good but instead I saw her bloody fighting for her life . The day I begged and shouted for her to tell me who did this to her . Who did this to them but she was to weak to talk . The day that her last words to me was "ti amo amore mio tesoro. sii forte per me." And then she took her last breathe she was gone . (I love you my darling. Be strong for me )

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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