With Great Power (Chapter 2): Acknowledge

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The scenery was mostly blue, the only notable objects surrounding the airborne owl and spirit being the flowing waters below them and the vibrant sky above. A dim yet radiant heat from the sun shone down on the glistening waters. The flight was mostly filled with quiet and humble conversation between Vini and Ku, just talking about normal everyday topics. Their heads, meanwhile, were filled with different thoughts.

In all honesty, Ku was hoping that these trips back to Nibel could be a regular thing she could do every now and again, not just because of the flying practice she would get by doing so. She wasn't planning on doing it today, but she wanted to come by to visit her mother's empty nest, something she always tried to do before she had her wing healed. Unfortunately, it was nigh on impossible for her to do something like that back then considering where the nest was located. But now, she had the opportunity to see her mother's nest as many times as she wanted, if her parents would allow her that is.

Vini, on the other hand, was a little anxious, not about the trip but from Grom's previous interrogation. Was Grom just curious about his origins, or did the Gorlek think something suspicious was going on? He didn't know, and it certainly didn't stop him from worrying about it. Not only was it completely unexpected, but it made him feel very worried about his identity in this world, and it also made him question it. Is it right for him to tell others he's a spirit, keeping the facade of his other world a secret for those who already know the situation? Or should he be truthful and explain what truly happened, revealing to everyone the truth?

Vini felt like the latter choice could lead this world down a much different path than it was intended to be on. Vini didn't want to alter the course of this world any more than he already did by just existing here.

Finally, the two siblings began to see the expansive trees of Nibel come into view. They soared over the mystical forest, seeing the rocky outlines of the Forlorn Ruins, the smoke billowing from the distant Mount Horu, the bright luminescence radiating from the central Spirit Tree, all very familiar to the purple owl and somewhat familiar to the red spirit. Yet, the owl knew her landing spot and slowly turned southwest as she began her descent. She eventually locked eyes with the familiar cavern of her home and, upon locking her eyes on the grass below her, safely landed a few meters away from their home. Despite landing near her home, she didn't really have a reason to enter her home today. She merely landed here so that Vini wouldn't have to travel far to reach the distant Spirit Tree.

Vini, after hopping off Ku's back, stretched his limbs upward and groaned from the somewhat long flight west. He was ready to say bye to Ku for the day and head towards his destination, but... his eyes first locked onto a group of trees not too far from Swallow's Nest, all of them harboring some ripe apples, both red and green. He recalled the first time he traveled to Nibel when he was unknowingly impersonating Ori, and the immaculate flavors that came from biting into these fruits for the first time. Honestly, even though he just ate breakfast with his family not too long ago, he felt compelled to eat something more. Plus, he didn't really eat that much for breakfast, only a singular orange. It did fill him up, surprisingly, but another apple couldn't hurt, could it?

Vini quickly ran over to the group of trees, opting for the smallest one, and hopped up just high enough to nab one of the apples. Without a second thought, Vini sank his teeth into the ruby fruit, enamoring his taste buds with a sweetness that made his face scrunch up. A slight euphoria surged through his body, remembering the delicacy that was these fruits. He didn't truly understand how one forest's apples were more delectable than another's, but he wasn't going to argue with nature.

Ku couldn't help but giggle to herself, seeing the new spirit's enamoration with only a single fruit. There was something about seeing Vini carefree and happy that made her smile warmly. He was her new brother, after all. The two loved each other, as any pair of siblings would. Honestly, she was surprised to see Vini's sudden excitement for these fruits. Though, she did remember Naru telling her that Nibel's fruits did have a more tangible sweet taste than Niwen's.

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