Reflection at Dawn

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The ambiance of the Wellspring Glades was always a relief for the eyes and ears. It was an open area with enormous trees surrounding it that lead into the greater part of the forest. Within the Glades, there were many small trees, used for fruit plucking and materials if they should have a need for it. There were also much larger trees, almost twenty times bigger than the others. Those trees were repurposed in the glades, being used as pathways above the grass that led to many homes. During the daytime, the moki would often play enjoyable games with one another. And when night came around, people would often lay in the grass to look at the sky, gazing upon the lustrous starry canopy above.

But for now, the scenery was still dark, as it would be in the early morning. However, a hint of orangish light was poking out from the east, hinting at the sun's rise. A faint glow from the half-moon was trying its best to shine through a hollow cloud in the night sky. The Glades were quiet, the dirt pathways cleared of any creatures that lived here. The only sounds that echoed in the Glades were the uncommon gusts of wind and the chirping of wildlife.

That doesn't mean people weren't up, however. Before the sun could rise above the horizon, a familiar spirit was awakened, not by force, but by natural instinct. He didn't really think much of it. After living in this world for a while, he'd become accustomed to it. Now awake, Vini rose from the nest where he slept and took a peek outside, seeing the faintest orange light peeking through the trees. Being careful not to awaken the siblings' sleep, Vini hopped out of their nest and trotted outside to take in the scenery.

Vini had adjusted to this new landscape by now. He felt the need to ponder, to reflect on the thoughts permeating the bulk of his mind. Settling on one of the upper pathways in the trees, he slowly jogged towards one of the more giant trees, climbed the staircase built within and sat down on the ledge of a branch in the tree. His pawed feet were left dangling in the air as he faced the eastward sunlight, now beginning to rise slowly.

A gentle wind blew throughout the forest, sending a chill down Vini's spine. The chilly gale was refreshing to the human-turned-spirit rather than detrimental. Vini stroked his upper arms as the wind came through, looking at the aura of red surrounding the bright fur of his new form. After blinking a couple of times, he sighed and closed his eyes, being left confused as he began to ponder...

Vini was... calm... and that was weird for him. Before this new body was thrust upon him, everything in his life seemed to become more and more worrying. Waking up in a new world, thrust into a family that wasn't his own, it was all... polarizing. Though, it's not like he had something to compare it to. Waking up with no memories leaves little in regard to making comparisons.

Still, it's only been a little while since his transformation into this new way of life. But to him, honestly, he kept feeling weirder and weirder with each passing day since his journey had ended. Just existing in this world was an odd experience on its own. It's not that he didn't want it. After all, it wasn't like his old life would bring him any joy. From what little he knows about his life, it felt like his returning to his world would be abysmal, both to him and his newfound family. He was happy here. He always was.

Going back to those penultimate minutes before he submitted himself to fate, he felt... weirdly good. He remembered how anxious yet calm he and Ori were, sitting in the snow and holding each other in their arms. If nothing else, Ori just wanted to see Vini come out of this happy... and alive. But being alive wasn't in his control. After Ori was brought back into his own body, Vini's soul began to break bit by bit as sadness engulfed all of their minds and hearts. Then... it shattered, lost to the reaches of fate.

Or so they thought.

Honestly, the resurrection was completely coincidental. Being perfectly thrown by an upset Ori into one of the Spirits of Old was... certainly a stroke of luck if he ever heard it. He couldn't help but laugh that he remained in this world by sheer coincidence. With his soul-infused in one of their bodies, his energy would restore that which was extinct. If Ori hadn't gotten mad and thrown the orb... he would have died. Now, having been permanently locked in this world, he was left with his newfound family. And despite some troubling ideas planted in Vini's mind, his family would always be there for him in any and all endeavors that may come his way.

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