Chapter 5-Amelia's Ball

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Instead of being woken up by Rosey's soft voice, I'm woken up by a very rude alarm clock. An alarm clock I don't even remember having. I turn to my side trying to find a way to turn off the blooding thing.

"How do you turn this bloody thing off" I shout clearly annoyed 

Rosey immediately appears in my room and pushes a button that seemed to come out of no where.

"Sorry ma'am, you're father wished for you and your sister to be woken by an alarm clock today" Rosey begins

"He said us eleven had too much work to do" She finishes 

"It's alright Rosey, can you just go over everything I have to do today please" I ask 

"Well ma'am, first thing first, you need to eat breakfast and change into regular clothes. Then you must sign your name on all the 'Thank you for attending" cards. And finally you have to take last minute dance lessons with Monsieur Jacque. All of this before you get ready for the ball, which you need to start doing at 4" Rosey explains 

Just hearing that makes me feel exhausted. 

"Thank you" I groan and get up from the bed

Rosey disappears as I got into my drawers and reach for some leggings and a random sweater. My room if very neat besides my bed at the moment. Rosey arranged all my stuff that I bought yesterday at Dragon Alley.

I head downstairs and into the dinning room. We have a huge room dedicated to just the table and the chairs which is where all the leaders of the family alongside my father will disappear to for a few hours tonight. I sit at the table on the second seat from the head of the table on the right side. The first seat used to be Jacob's and we still save it for him incase he comes back. Neo appears next to me with a bowl of fruit and a parfait for my breakfast. I eat it all and call for Rosey when I am done.

"Rosey can you please bring me the thank you cards and a quill with ink" I ask 

"of course ma'am" Rosey says as she reappears moments later with what I requested 

I spend the next two hours singing the name Y/n L/n over and over and over again. It feels like an endless job until I'm finally on the last one and it feels like my hand is going to fall off. 

"Rosey" I call 

"Yes ma'am" She asks 

"Please take these cards and call Monsieur Jacques" I ask 

She disappears and I make my way to the ball room, which is currently being filled with may different decorations with shades of colors that I can not even begin to pronounce. I sit on the floor while I wait. I remember many years ago when we had a ball because Jacob made it on the quidditch team. Everyone had come for it. That day me and Jacob had has our dance lessons together since we were always dance partners. After dance practice that day, we were both exhausted and we collapsed on the floor. As we fell onto the floor the doors swung open to reveal the Malfoys walking in. As expected Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy went off to complain to our father about our behavior. But Drake stayed behind. We were both very little kids and this was one of our first interactions. He just stood there watching as we lay on the floor.

"Want to join us" I ask 

Draco stayed quiet but Jacob responded for him, "Of course he doesn't he's a Malfoy, they don't know what fun is"

Jacob got up and walked away. I stayed on the floor while Draco stood staring at me and rolling his eyes at Jacob. I guess he's always had an attitude.

I lifted my hand towards him. He probably thought I wanted help getting up. He reached down to grab my hand and once he did...I yanked him down. He fell to the ground and his perfectly arranged platinum blond hair got messed up. 

"What was that for" He shouted 

"Its called having fun Malfoy" I giggled 

"That was not fun" He exclaimed 

"it's pretty funny from where I'm sitting" I laughed. Draco was on the ground and his clothes and hair was all messed up. His face has turning red from the embarrassment.

I'm not quite sure why Draco stayed friends with me after that. Especially considering I never apologized for that. But, I suppose that some small part of him must've had a good time that moment. 

Now back in the present the door fly open, much like they had done on that day. But instead of the Malfoy's walking in, it's Monsieur Jacques. 

"Bonjour ma cherie" Monsieur Jacques exclaims 

"Bonjour ca va" I ask 

"Ca va" He says 

Now the real hard part of the even begins. The dance lessons. I don't have my dance partner anymore. And truth be told the only really why it ever seemed that I was a good dancer was because Jacob made it seem that I was. He covered up any of my mistakes and made it look like it was all planned. 

After many hours of practice we're finally done and I don't think I've ever been more out of break my entire life. Just like when I was a kid, I collapse on the chilly floor and practically melt into it. 

"Good bye dear" Monsieur Jacques exclaims as he walks away 

"Miss L/n, you need to get ready" Rosey says 

I groan and I can't believe it's that time already. I get up and walk to my room where Rosey has already drawn a bath for me. I take a long bath and get out. I wrap myself in a towel and wait for Rosey to come in with my new dress. Once she comes in, she leaves the dress with me in the bathroom and leaves. 


I get dressed and put on some silver heels. Now I sit on my vanity seat while I wait for Rosey and the other house elves to come in and start doing my hair and make up. They come in shortly after and get straight to work. They do a very simply but classy make up look and for my hair they blow dry it and blow it out to make it look like some 90s hair style.

As if it were on cue, my father walks in the second they are done. 

"Are you ready Y/n" he asks 

"Yes papa" I say 

"But...I'm going to need a new dance partner" I add quietly 

"And I'm going to need someone to sit in the first chair" He adds quietly 

"Maybe we can fill each others empty spaces for now" He says 

" I think that would work" I chuckle 

I stand up and walk over to him. I hook my arm with his and we walk out together. We go to a small room above the stairs into the dance hall. 

"besides you look beautiful, just like your mother. I have no doubt you will find a new dance partner very quickly" My father whispers 

" Like that lovely Mr.Nott, or Mr. Zabini, or even Mr.Malfoy" My father adds chucking 

I look at him like a deer would at headlights. He just smiles and looks straight. He lets go of my hand as my mother comes up behind me and takes her place next to my dad. I move backward next to Amelia still in shock.

"You know I think that most of the guys out there are more interested in seeing you than to celebrate me" She whispers 

And once more, I can't think and I stare off into the distance. 


Hello lovelies !

I know I haven't been here very much but I thought I should start off the new year with a bang and well here we are with a new chapter. The previously posted chapters have also been updated slightly and corrected as well.

I hope you are all doing very well ! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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